Well, at long last I've had another post to add to my meager output this year. This one, of which taking and choosing the photos took forever, is principally about my relatively small haul from Sephora Malaysia lately. Truth be told Sephora Malaysia's assortment of brands is a bit limited, but you still get a majority of the luxury names such as Dior, Burberry, YSL, Marc Jacobs and cult brands such as Too Faced, Tarte, Kat von D, Cover FX, Hourglass, Fenty Beauty and Zoeva. The pricing is reasonable for the most part, and they usually give away freebies quite generously too, in fact I have accumulated such a pile this trip I think I've dedicated more words to the freebies galore I got away with in this post than I have the things I actually bought myself.
我的老天鵝我總算寫完一篇新文了(今年部落格簡直偷懶到極致 orz)。今天主要分享之前在馬來西亞的Sephora入手的戰利品。雖然圖多選到頭痛但其實我自己買的以板上標準來講應該還算小咖吧!吉隆坡的Sephora說真的品牌並沒有歐美的多,但是該有的精品品牌比如Dior、Burberry、YSL、Marc Jacobs等等都還是有,加上現下流行的cult brand比如Too Faced、Tarte、Kat von D、Cover FX、Hourglass、Fenty Beauty跟Zoeva等等其實還是蠻好買的。定價方面整體來說還算合理,贈品倒是給得很阿莎力,這次拿到超多寫到後來我簡直覺得這篇的主角可能是贈品了 XDD
These are what I bought :
1. Marc Jacobs Re(marc)able Full Cover Foundation in 10 Ivory Light
2. Tarte Limited Edition Swamp Queen Eye and Cheek Palette
3. Aquis Lisse Luxe Hair Turban in Storm
5. Zoeva 144 Soft Concealer Brush
6. Beautyblender in Bubble
7. Sephora Collection Invisilk Mask in Rose / Marine Algae
8. Sephora Collection Fizzing Cubes in Green Tea / Mango / Lagoon
(Not shown in pics)
9. Zoeva Cocoa Blend Palette (helped buy for colleague)
10. Burberry Kisses in 89 Rose Blush (gift for Mum)
11. Kat von D Lock-it Setting Powder
12. Sephora Collection Sleeping Mask in Marine Algae
1. Marc Jacobs Re(marc)able 粉底液(最白色號 10 Ivory Light)
2. Tarte Swamp Queen 限量版眼影修容盤
3. Aquis Lisse Luxe 乾髮帽(深藍)
4. It Cosmetics 黑眼圈遮瑕(最白色號 Light)
5. Zoeva 144 遮瑕刷
6. Beautyblender 美妝蛋(淺粉紅版 Bubble)
7. Sephora Collection 面膜(玫瑰 / 海藻)
8. Sephora Collection 泡澡方塊(綠茶 / 芒果 / 藍湖)
9. Zoeva Cocoa Blend 眼影盤(幫同事買的)
10. Burberry Kisses 唇膏 89 Rose Blush(送給媽媽了)
11. Kat von D 定妝蜜粉
12. Sephora Collection 海藻晚安面膜

* Marc Jacobs Re(marc)able Full Cover Foundation
Probably the priciest item on the list. The frosted glass bottle looks expensive (well, it is not cheap), and when you unscrew the inner cap you get, literally, a stick with which you dab foundation on your face in moderation (which I prefer much more than, say, a dropper a la Bobbi Brown). Regarding the colour selection, that's where it gets tricky. After seeking help on BBS I was somewhat convinced that I could get away with the lightest shade 10 Ivory Light, and a swatch on the hand looked okay so I caved. But!! because this foundation is so high coverage and so matte and this shade is so fair, it totally looks like garish geisha makeup when applied on the face.
Just when I thought this foundation was done for, an unexpected salvation came in the form of Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Opal. This highlighter cream was originally too dark for me (I'd neglected to research on the shades when I used my points on this freebie), and the foundation a bit too light, so putting two and two together I mixed a bit of both together and it came out a foundation of holy grail caliber for me. The highlighter not only darkens the foundation, it gives the matte texture a very lovely shimmery glow so that the skin looks flawless but not mask-like. Furthermore, I can totally skip undereye concealers with this foundation as it covers my dark circles really well and is not cakey at all.
大概是清單裡面最貴的 XD 霧面玻璃的瓶子很有質感,裡面蓋子轉開來並不是泵頭也不是滴管而是一根棒子,用時沾取少量粉底液點在臉上再用刷子或美妝蛋推開即可(個人覺得比BB的滴管的設計好用多了)。選色方面,之前在版上問了覺得應該可以嘗試最白色號 10 Ivory Light,試在手上推開時也覺得應該還可以就入手了,但是!!回去上在臉上後終於明白當初選色文為何有人說有藝妓感!!因為這款真的非常遮瑕又霧面,加上色號這麼白真的有種立可白塗在臉上的即視感orz
原本以為這瓶只能放棄了,結果在贈品中發現了救星T__T Marc Jacobs 10 這色原本對我來說就有點太白,剛好我手上有因為沒調查好色號就用點數換了色號過深的Becca Opal打亮霜,某天突然開竅兩個放一點在手上混一混竟然混出了蜜糖(超感動)。Becca的打亮霜不但把粉底液顏色調的不那麼死白,打亮的成分也讓原本霧面的妝感多了細緻的光澤,總之出來的妝效我非常喜歡。意外的是我發現用這款時我根本不用另外遮黑眼圈,拿調暗過的粉底液避開眼下部分上全臉後,再直接拿沒有混過的死白的粉底液遮黑眼圈,真的遮的非常自然。於是我後來也是Sephora購入的It Cosmetics眼下遮瑕根本晾在一邊沒在用了 XD
A reference of the shades on paper. Sorry I tried swatching them on my hand but found it too difficult to manipulate and properly focus my DSLR with one hand, so please bear with me here. Clockwise from left : 10 Ivory Light, 22 Bisque Light, 54 Honey Medium, 34 Beige Medium.
來個紙上試色作為參考。左起順時針:10 Ivory Light, 22 Bisque Light, 54 Honey Medium, 34 Beige Medium。其他三色來自也是Sephora拿到的MJ粉底色號卡,櫃上觀察的話Bisque系列都蠻偏黃的其實。然後不好意思原本想要試在手上的,不過因為單眼太重沒辦法單手操作對焦只好出此下策,請大家就加減看啦 ^^"
* It Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Eye Anti-Aging Concealer
I know this is the darling of many Youtubers and makeup gurus, but for some reason it just doesn't work well for me. I'm okay with its coverage of my dark circles though, just that its moist brightening properties somehow accentuates eyebags and tear troughs on me. One thing I appreciate is that it comes in a really light shade (Light) which is an answer to the prayers of fair folks who would want something lighter than their own foundation to brighten up the undereye area. In the paper swatch above, L: It Cosmetics Bye Bye Undereye in Light, R: The Saem Tip Concealer in #1 Clear Beige, you can see that it is a lot lighter than the lightest shade of The Saem concealer.
我知道很多youtubers跟美妝博主都超愛這款遮瑕,但是我覺得我用起來效果一般。確實它對黑眼圈的遮蓋力我還蠻滿意的,但是它有點濕潤的質地跟標榜的提亮成分不知為何會讓我的淚溝變得更明顯。不過我喜歡它的最白色號真的很白這點 XDD 因為白肌要找到比自己粉底更白的遮瑕來提亮眼下部位往往沒那麼好找。上面圖二的紙上試色,左:It Cosmetics 的Light色號,右:The Saem 完美遮瑕液的最白色號 #1 Clear Beige,可以看出It Cosmetics比The Saem的白不少。
* Beautyblender in Bubble
My first Beautyblender ever, to be honest I bought it simply because of the cute light pink colour initially. But boy, is it a handy tool! I'm now totally in love after applying the Marc Jacobs foundation with it, saves time and great results -- what's not to love? Unfortunately that lovely cherry blossom pink does wash off, maybe not as bad as the original hot pink Beautyblender, but as of now my little Bubble sponge has gone from light pink to light beige colour-wise (sob).
人生中第一顆BB蛋,其實當初只是因為覺得櫻花粉色很可愛而買的 XDD 用來上MJ粉底液後才覺得真是相見恨晚啊,拿在手上用的很順手底妝也上的很均勻,真的是省時省力的美妝工具。只是當初那美麗的淡粉色終究還是會掉色的,雖然應該沒有掉的像桃紅版那麼誇張,但是洗過幾次後的我的Bubble現在已經從淡粉色變成粉膚色了 T__T
* Aquis Lisse Luxe Hair Turban in Storm
A while ago I had been down with flu with alarming frequency, the culprit being going to bed with dripping wet hair simply because it was too exhausting to dry my waist-length hair sufficiently before sleep. When I saw this hair turban in Sephora and read the rave reviews on Amazon, I decided to give it a try. It's shaped almost like a sack in which, as in the 2nd picture above, you simply fit your head and hair into, twist and button up et voila! After that I usually go about brushing my teeth and applying skincare, when I'm done and have taken off the turban my hair is usually almost half dry. All I need is another 4-5 mins of blow-drying and I'm all ready to go to bed with healthy dry hair and no headaches or cold the next morning.
* Tarte Swamp Queen Eye and Cheek Palette with Brush
I'll admit first thing that nice packaging is my Achilles' heel, which is probably why I put this in my cart at first sight without checking up on the reviews. The case feels like very thick cardboard with magnetic closure, but with the nice woodgrain texture and embossed gold lettering it has an almost luxurious feel. On one side you get the eyeshadows, blushes and a wooden handle brush, on the other there's a huge mirror with inspirational phrases, and there's a lovely chocolatey smell emanating from the palette that totally lifts the mood while you're doing makeup. As this is already a yawning long post I'll save the swatches for when I next use this palette for an eye look, but I have to say I was initially a bit disappointed when I tried swatching them on my hand. There's some powder kick-up and the colour payoff was seemingly not as good as I hoped for, but after trying them on my lids I was completely sold. This is a palette with which you can easily achieve that burnt orange fall eye-look that is on trend now using your fingers alone, and the colours are just gorgeous.
實不相瞞我是個不折不扣的外貌協會會員,這盤Tarte眼影修容盤我沒做什麼功課,純粹因為包裝美配色好看就買了XDD 它外殼感覺是厚紙板的材料,不過上面做了仿木紋跟燙金處理所以看起來還是蠻有質感的。開關是磁吸式的,一邊是眼影、頰彩跟刷子,另一邊是大鏡子,然後打開會有很明顯的巧克力香味撲鼻而來聞起來心情很好XDD 因為這篇太長我就留待下次寫這盤妝容的時候再放試色好了,不過其實我一開始試在手上時是有點失望的,因為抹在手背上覺得略飛粉亮片也有點粗糙,但是用在眼皮後完全愛上了,是用手指就能輕鬆畫出美好楓葉妝的實用彩妝盤 >////<
All freebies!! (Admittedly a few of them are redeemed with Sephora points : P )
全是贈品!!!(好啦有幾樣是用點數換的 : P)
From left : (all by Marc Jacobs) Mini Le Marc Lip Creme Lipstick in Slow Burn, Mini Enamored Hi-shine Lip Lacquer in 312 Sugar Sugar, Mini Velvet Noir Major Volume Mascara, Mini Highliner in 42 Blacquer.
First off, I have to say these Marc Jacobs minis are the bomb, very well-made and do not feel like samples at all. And after using these, I find myself really drawn to Marc Jacobs beauty products as every one of these samples perform well for me. I'm definitely considering repurchasing the Highliner and the mascara. The Highliner is a gel-type eyeliner that applies really smoothly and really doesn't budge, even when I placed my hand with a swatch of it under a running tap. The Velvet Noir mascara is another winner, the formula is very black, doesn't smudge and holds a curl quite well. I don't have a clear front-facing photo of me wearing it, but I was wearing this mascara in this post (link), and you can see from the profile shot that it doesn't weigh down the lashes despite considerable lengthening.
首先一定要稱讚一下Marc Jacobs的小樣們,全都做的很精緻完全不像是試用贈品。這些用過一輪我覺得我對馬可叔叔的美妝真的多了一份信心跟興趣 XD 每一樣我用起來都覺得很不錯,尤其眼線筆跟睫毛膏我會考慮買正品。Highliner眼線筆是眼線膠質地的,畫起來非常滑順而且乾後真的不暈。開封時我試著畫在手背上然後手直接放水龍頭下沖水都沒掉,真的蠻威的 XD Velvet Noir睫毛膏則是很黑,所以像我這樣睫毛稀疏的畫上去睫毛的存在感瞬間大提升,而且也是不暈不塌。我沒拍過使用這支後的正面照,不過這篇穿搭(這裡)裡當時就是使用這支睫毛膏,從側面可以看出它還是能維持睫毛捲翹度的,纖長效果也不錯。
As usual, some swatches on paper :
( From left )
Marc Jacobs Lip Creme(Slow Burn) -- A cool-toned rose nude shade with a satin finish. Feels comfortable on the lips and not overly drying. Coverage and lasting power also admirable.
Marc Jacobs Highliner(42 Blacquer)-- Black gel eye liner, totally in love with this. Glides on smoothly upon application and really truly does not smudge. I'm the kind of person that somehow still manage to get smudges on the lower lids even when I use waterproof eyeliners and mascaras, so this really is one of those rare ones that truly lives up to its claims for me.
Marc Jacobs Hi-Shine Lip Lacquer(312 Sugar Sugar)-- Feels kinda conflicted about this lip lacquer. The colour is a lovely pale pink nude, despite the paleness its coverage is actually quite good. It does not feel overly sticky on the lips, and fragrance-free (love this, I really don't like overpowering fragrance in lip products a la Fenty Beauty) . However, as the name Hi-shine suggests, this thing is really really shiny, to the point of oily even. And with the shade so pale in colour you could look like a sickly glutton with an affinity for oily cuisine.
Marc Jacobs Lip Creme(Slow Burn)-偏冷的玫瑰色唇膏,偏satin finish,擦起來舒服不會太乾。遮蓋力跟持久度都不錯。
Marc Jacobs Highliner(42 Blacquer)-黑色眼線膠筆,超推。質地滑順好畫而且真的不暈不暈不暈(重要的事情要講三遍XD)。我是個就算用防水眼線或睫毛膏都會莫名其妙被暈一塊痕跡在眼尾處的人,這支真的是我用過難得不暈的非液態眼線筆。
Marc Jacobs Hi-Shine Lip Lacquer(312 Sugar Sugar)-對這支心情複雜。顏色是很美好的淡裸粉,雖然是淺色唇釉但是意外的可以蓋的住原本唇色。擦上唇不會太黏,也沒有味道(喜歡這點,Fenty Beauty的唇釉甜味真是太重啦會一直覺得嘴裡有糖漿)。心情複雜是因為正如它的名字Hi-shine所述,它真的太高亮了簡直到了油亮的地步。而且這色真的很淺,一不小心就會看起來像氣色不好還偷吃油雞忘了擦嘴的吃貨 XD
Clockwise from top left : (all by Tarte) Quick Dry Matte Lip Paint in Delish and Rose, Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes 4-in-1 Mascara, Ready, Set, Radiant Skin Mist, Maracuja Creaseless Concealer sample card.
To be honest, I haven't really gotten around to using this lot except for the Lip Paints and the concealer. Unfortunately the concealer sample's lightest shade in Fairly Light Neutral is a tad too dark for me, but the formula does feel quite hydrating and does not crease.
其實我除了兩隻霧面唇彩跟遮瑕膏其他的都還沒試 : P 但是遮瑕膏試用卡裡的最白色號Fairly Light Neutral 對我來說還是有點黑所以難以判斷遮蓋力,不過質地倒是感覺蠻滋潤的也不太會留痕。
( From left )
Tarteist Quick Dry Matte Lip Paint in Rosé -- Described as a rosy nude, it delivers true to its description but tends to dry down to a deeper rose colour. The formula is very drying on me, less comfortable than the Creamy Matte Lip Paints (harder to remove too) and accentuates lip lines.
Tarteist Quick Dry Matte Lip Paint in Delish -- The official description is rosy mauve, but I don't really get the mauve part of it. Perhaps it's because my lips are naturally pigmented, this shade turns up quite dark on me, almost to the point of reddish brown (Rosé also shows up a darker shade on me compared to swatches I saw online). This is of the same drying and crackly formula as Rosé.
Tarteist Creamy Matte Lip Paint in TBT -- I added in a swatch of TBT which I got from my sister just for the sake of comparison. It is a beautiful mauve-y red that imparts a sophisticated feminine look. I love the Creamy Matte formula much much better than the Quick Dry ones, this feels very lightweight and non-drying, it does not transfer and in fact, it feels as if there's nothing on your lips at all.
Tarteist Quick Dry Matte Lip Paint(Rosé)-官網形容是玫瑰裸色,我覺得算是蠻中肯的,但是我用起來覺得上完過一陣子顏色會變得稍深一點。但是這個質地真的很乾而且顯唇紋,相比之下Tarte另一個Creamy Matte系列的液態唇膏用起來舒服得多,也比較好卸。
Tarteist Quick Dry Matte Lip Paint(Delish)-官方說這是玫瑰紫,但是真的看不出紫在哪裡 XD 可能是我本身唇色深的關係,用這個色看起來比網路上看到的試色深一些,幾乎是接近紅棕色。質地跟Rosé一樣非常乾。
Tarteist Creamy Matte Lip Paint(TBT)-為了方便比較,同場加映從姊姊那裡收到的Creamy Matte系列的TBT。是很有氣質的豆沙紅色。 而且Creamy Matte系列的配方我覺得遠勝Quick Dry系列,這個真的質地輕盈但不乾不黏,幾乎感覺不到唇上有擦東西。
From left : (all by Kat von D) Studded Kiss Lipstick in Lovecraft, Tattoo Liner in Trooper, Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in Outlaw.
My first foray into the world of Kat von D via freebie minis, I'm quite impressed actually. The mini versions are well made and the products turn in great performances overall as well. Also, I totally love the gothic designs on the packaging, feels very bad-ass hah!
第一次接觸KVD的彩妝(入手的透明定妝蜜粉還沒開始用XD)就是透過這堆小樣,覺得印象很不錯。雖然是小樣但做的很用心,產品用起來表現也都不錯。而且非常喜歡包裝上的歌德風設計,感覺有種酷炫的叛逆感 : P
( From left )
Kat von D Tattoo Eyeliner in Trooper -- A liquid eyeliner with a fine tip in a very black shade. This is very handy for cat-eye makeup or winged liners. Does not smudge, as advertised.
Kat von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in Outlaw -- I think "candy apple red" would most aptly describe this shade. And make no mistake, this shade is intense, you literally get that vibrant fiery shade you see in the tube. This is also a matte formula, a tad drying but does not feel uncomfortable.
Kat von D Studded Kiss Lipstick(Lovecraft)-我覺得這色看起來跟Marc Jacobs的Slow Burn還滿像的,都是帶一點紫的冷粉色。不過這支很霧面也偏乾,Slow Burn則是有點緞面光澤的偏潤質地。
Kat von D Tattoo Eyeliner(Trooper)-非常黑的眼線液筆,筆頭尖細非常適合畫貓眼妝或上揚眼線。而且就如名字一樣,像刺青一樣不暈不掉。
Kat von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick(Outlaw)-我覺得這色完全就是太妃糖蘋果一樣的正紅色。 顏色濃度高,上唇就是像瓶子看到的一樣濃烈的大紅色。也是霧面質地,有點乾但不至於不舒服。
Kat von D Tattoo Eyeliner(Trooper)-非常黑的眼線液筆,筆頭尖細非常適合畫貓眼妝或上揚眼線。而且就如名字一樣,像刺青一樣不暈不掉。
Kat von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick(Outlaw)-我覺得這色完全就是太妃糖蘋果一樣的正紅色。 顏色濃度高,上唇就是像瓶子看到的一樣濃烈的大紅色。也是霧面質地,有點乾但不至於不舒服。
A look using KVD Tattoo Eyeliner in Trooper and KVD Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in Outlaw. Please don't mind those kooky bangs though, it's a cheap child-sized wig I snagged from Pediatrics after they'd finished their little play, haha. While Outlaw might not be your average everyday shade, I do think it is perfect for portraying geishas or the Queen of Hearts *lol.
這個妝容用了KVD的黑色眼線液筆跟Outlaw液態唇膏。請自動忽略那個狗啃瀏海,因為我是戴著從小兒科借來的小朋友們演話劇用完的便宜假髮 XDD 然後雖然Outlaw這色很不日常,但是拿來仿藝妓或紅心皇后應該超適合的哈哈!
Clockwise from left : Fresh Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask, Fresh Black Tea Firming Overnight Mask, It Cosmetics Brow Power Universal Brow Pencil, Zoeva 142 Concealer Buffer Brush, Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Opal.
An assortment of skincare and makeup freebies. I love the Fresh masks, especially the Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask which makes the skin oh-so-fresh and radiant after 5 mins of application. These come in sizable quantities and could last probably 7-8 uses. The It Cosmetics brow pencil is very well-made for a freebie I think, it is double-ended with a spoolie at one end for combing those unruly hairs and the pencil itself is passable. I haven't got to using the Zoeva mini concealer brush though, it is a bit shorter than the full-sized 142 Concealer Buffer Brush but otherwise looks exactly the same down to the white-tipped black bristles. And the Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Opal is the one I mentioned which I use to darken my Marc Jacobs foundation. Absolutely love that glowy bronze sheen, albeit a bit too dark for me to use on its own.
一堆彩妝跟保養都有的小樣。 超喜歡Fresh的面膜,尤其是紅茶瞬效修護面膜,用起來感覺超清爽。這兩款面膜小樣給的量都很有誠意,大概足夠用7-8次。It Cosmetics的眉筆就小樣而言也是相當用心了,雙頭眉筆一端是用來梳理亂流的眉刷,另一端則是免削眉筆,眉筆本身就中規中矩吧,沒什麼特別驚豔或雷的。旁邊的Zoeva迷你遮瑕刷我還沒拿來用,不過就外觀而言其實除了比較短這一點其他跟正貨的142遮瑕刷幾乎一模一樣,刷毛也是一樣的黑白配色。Becca的Shimmering Skin Perfector就是前面提到的用來拯救我Marc Jacobs粉底液過白問題的救星。其實超愛那個古銅光澤的,但是對我來說單用真的太深了。
Clockwise from left : Erno Laszlo White Marble Cleansing Duo, Burberry Kisses Lipstick in Military Red, theBalm Meet Matt(e) Trimony Eyeshadow in Matt Kumar, First Aid Beauty Coconut Skin Smoothie Priming Moisturizer, Supergoop! City Sunscreen Serum SPF30 PA+++.
Honestly I haven't really used much of these. I've tried out the Supergoop! sunscreen which I think is okay but nothing special, I've swatched the Burberry lipstick and theBalm eyeshadow which you can see below, but I have yet to use Erno Laszlo's cleansing duo and the First Aid Beauty Coconut Moisturizer so I can't comment on that ; P
其實這堆小樣很多都還沒開始用啊 : P Supergoop!的精華液防曬我用了但是覺得還可以並沒有什麼特別,Burberry Kisses迷你版唇膏跟theBalm眼影小樣我試了(感想在下面),其他的都還沒開封所以就不予置評(偷懶 ; P
( From left )
theBalm Meet Matt(e) Trimony in Matt Kumar -- A lovely reddish-brown with a matte finish. Colour payoff is good but there's a little powder kickoff.
Burberry Kisses in Military Red -- I have to say this is one of the most exquisitely-made sample I've come across. It is an exact replica of the full-sized lipstick, down to the checkered embossing on the cap and on the lipstick itself. Colour-wise it is a full-on fire engine red, the formula is quite creamy with a wet satin finish and actually hides lines quite well. And I must say, I just love this shade! I've never believed that a lip colour could make your teeth look whiter but this shade actually accomplished that feat. And it's especially flattering if you are a brunette and have fair skin, when paired with simple earth-toned eye makeup it exudes a Parisienne's exuberance -- fiery yet elegant.
theBalm Meet Matt(e) Trimony (Matt Kumar)-是現下流行的霧面紅棕色。顯色度算是不錯,但是蠻容易飛粉的。
Burberry Kisses (Military Red)-我必須說這支唇膏大概是我見過最用心的小樣了。跟正品幾乎一模一樣的細節,連蓋子上跟唇膏本體都跟正品一樣刻有經典的Burberry格紋。這個色號完全就是消防車紅(笑),上在唇上是有一點點水潤的緞面妝效,質地非常滑順而且還蠻遮唇紋的。然後我超級喜歡這個色號!以往一直不覺得唇彩能讓牙齒顯白,但是這支竟然真的做到了。這支我覺得特別適合黑髮白肌使用,配上簡單低調的大地色眼妝有種巴黎女人個性卻優雅的氛圍(都自己說 XD
From left : (all by Too Faced) Better than Sex Mascara x2, Melted Liquified Long Wear Lipstick in Chihuahua.
I haven't used the mascara yet (forgive me for glossing over the very, ahem, explicit name of said mascara), but I absolutely love the Melted Liquid Lipstick. This has a very glossy, watery finish and conceals lip lines quite well. The shade Chihuahua is a very low-key warm brown with a tinge of terracotta, it's actually quite a sophisticated shade that belies its cutesy namesake. Once the formula dries down it doesn't feel sticky at all and yet is still able to maintain that succulent pout on the lips, highly recommended!
睫毛膏我還沒開始用(全名太害羞了原諒我說不出口 XD),不過Melted唇釉我真的超喜歡。這支非常潤澤水亮,唇紋也遮的相當好。Chihuahua是個帶一點點橘棕的氣質豆沙紅,算是蠻成熟溫柔的顏色這可愛的名字到底是怎麼回事?XDD 雖然質地偏水潤,但是這支乾了之後完全不覺得黏,卻還能保持雙唇看起來美味多汁,推薦!
Wearing Chihuahua in this look (sorry I forgot to do the detail shots and paper swatch of Chihuahua : P)
這天使用了Chihuahua的妝容(不好意思,東西太多漏了做Chihuahua的紙上試色跟細節照 : P)
Top : (from left) Hourglass Immaculate Liquid Powder Foundation in Nude, It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream, Erborian Glow Creme.
Bottom : Cover FX Cream Concealer sample card, Becca First Light and Backlight Priming Filter
And lastly, some random packette samples that I haven't even begun to sort through to round everything up. All in all, a pretty good haul freebie-wise, no? The Sephora in Malaysia is a bit limited in brand choice, but there's still plenty to shop and splurge on, I think. Next up would be a Fenty Beauty mini-haul post perhaps, or a Sephora Christmas mini-haul, because I'm addicted now!!!
最後是一些雜七雜八的小包裝試用品,東西太多這些都還沒開始用。以贈品來說,收穫還是不錯的啦XD 總之我覺得這次逛吉隆坡的Sephora雖然品項有限還是買得挺開心的。 接下來應該會寫 part 2 的haul,先寫Fenty Beauty還是聖誕系列還沒想好,不過真是好可怕喔逛Sephora真的就會不知不覺爆買啊啊啊啊 (T__T)
* * *
As usual, ending with an Instagram layout (ID bonjourjasmineblog). Had a haircut recently, bangs returned and still revelling in the light-headedness of it all.
照例的IG (帳號bonjourjasmineblog)拼圖結尾。最近剪短+剪瀏海啦,整顆頭突然變輕了好不習慣啊XDD
Bises! ♥♥
Thank you <333
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