Really, it feels like ages since I last wrote a Style Guide post. Some time ago I was perusing an early spring issue of Mina magazine when I came across an editorial in which the model Miho Tanaka demonstrated using 10 pieces to style 14 looks. I was so fired up to try this myself but true to my procrastinating self, I had to dawdle until the summer is here to finally get things done ; ) ....Well, without further ado (between ourselves this is a blind for lack of words LOL) let's get down to business! ↓↓↓
哈哈感覺已經很久很久沒寫穿搭guide了。前陣子看了一期早春(?)的 mina雜誌裡面有田中美保示範用10件單品重複穿搭兩週的單元,完全就戳中我然後一直很想試,只不過終究逃不過我的拖延症硬是被我拖到了現在夏天才把它寫完 ╮(╯_╰)╭ ....那不囉嗦直接進入主題吧~(其實是已經辭窮了 囧>)↓↓↓
Basically (pun intended ; P), this guide is about using an X number of items to create a Y number of looks. I'm staying with only 7 items this time to style 14 outfits, because anything more like Miho's 10 items might get my simpleton mind all knotted and confused, haha!
嗯,這個單元基本上就是拿 X 件單品排列組合重複穿搭 Y 天這樣。這次只選了7件單品穿搭出14個looks,因為我覺得這7件應該很夠了,如果像美保那樣來10件的話我可能會腦筋打結累死自己XDD
True to the title, I suppose, the items that I opted for this time veer more on the basic and practical side. You can probably find similar pieces in your own closet. And as I had already had this piece in mind since early spring (but only actually taken the pictures lately), some of the outfits may seem a little too warm for the weather now, lol. Please just turn a blind eye and suppose it's a piece about, say, summer to autumn coordinating : P
正如上面寫的basics一樣,這次的單品我主要選的是比較基本實穿的款式,大概大家的衣櫃裡也不難翻出類似款吧!不過因為這篇是早春就構思好了只是拖到最近才拍,有些穿搭可能看起來很熱 XDD 大家請將就一下就當是夏天穿到了初秋吧 (ノ>ω<)ノ
-- Bought this fitted message T from Pazzo not too long ago. Although message Ts are kinda ubiquitous nowadays, being picky I've often been stuck in a quagmire when it comes to letter sizes and fonts and messages displayed said Ts. Fortunately, this one has appropriately-sized letters, and the French upon it (which means "every day, every night" btw) is non-offensive and ambiguous enough.
-- 這件是前陣子Pazzo買的文字T,是合身版的棉質T。文字T雖然到處都有賣但是我其實有點龜毛常常因為字體的大小款式、字的位置還有字的含意糾結。這件大概是比較合我心意的一款吧,字不會太大以致視覺上喧賓奪主或難以穿高腰單品,上面的法文字也不會太莫名其妙或一語驚人 XDD (Chaque jour, chaque nuit = every day, every night 的意思)
-- Burnt orange is definitely close to, if not the new black this summer. Favourite part of this skirt, aside for the hue, is that the back part is elastic, which means new possibilities for multitasking ; )
-- 這種土橘色應該可以算是這個夏天的熱門色了。除了顏色之外,這件裙子還有一點我非常喜歡~就是背後是鬆緊的,等於多了幾種穿法哈哈 : P
-- I wrote an OOTD post (here) on this piece months ago, the original price was NT790 but I did get a minor discount with it. Frankly though I really really like the cut and colour of this baseball jacket so much I would have forked over the cash even without the discount. So if ever Pazzo decides to reintroduce this jacket I would really recommend getting one!
-- 這件淺灰太空棉外套之前有寫過穿搭(這裡),原價NT790但是有跟上滿額折抵的活動所以有便宜一點點。不過這件不管版型或顏色我都超愛,就算是原價我大概也願意掏錢 XD 如果Pazzo之後有再推出這件的話我覺得真的可以買噢!
-- First time purchasing jeans from Pazzo, was nicely surprised. I did not really study the measurements when I was getting this into my cart, fortunately the pant legs fit well, the waist, however, was a tad too loose so I had to employ the aid of belts constantly when putting this on, haha.
-- 第一次買Pazzo的牛仔褲,意外的覺得不錯。這件是男友褲+破褲的設計,沒仔細看尺寸就買但是腿部很幸運的合身了,可是腰有點太鬆只好拼命用皮帶救場XDD
-- I got this modal maxi from Romwe years ago, but that dusty pink hue is still the rage right now. I love that slightly fishtailled design which flatters the figure, but the problem of modal textiles is that it could be so closefitting all the little details of your undergarments are laid bare, quelle horreur!
-- 幾年前在Romwe網站入手的莫代爾長洋,顏色是現在還是很流行的煙燻粉。很喜歡這件因為有點人魚下擺的設計可以修飾身材,缺點是莫代爾材質真是太貼身了一不小心內衣褲的細節都會一覽無遺 XDD
-- This camel trench coat was a steal from, totally my cup of tea in regards to cut and colour. I've been searching for this kind of deep camel hue for quite some time, and the details in design are totally en pointe for me.
-- 這件是去年淘寶入手的。我覺得是我夢寐以求的版型跟色澤,因為一直很想找這種深駝色的雙排扣風衣,設計上的細節也很得我心。
-- Another one from Pazzo, haha! Got this last winter but definitely saw them selling it last month, unfortunately it's been discontinued for now. I really like how puffy this is, but the downside is that it involves many layers of soft tulle and the hems could get crumpled often due to static electricity probably.
-- 又一件下架Pazzo囧!這是去年冬天入手的,不過其實一直到上個月好像都還有看到,現在倒是真的下架了 XDD 非常喜歡這件的顏色跟澎度,不過缺點是這件是由很多層偏軟的紗堆疊構成的,下擺常常會因為靜電(?)的關係皺在一起很麻煩 (〒︿〒)
Sorry about the lengthy item intros ; P And now for a lengthy outfit intro (stop it). Anyway I did try to diversify through the stylings, but as the items are simple basic designs the outfits unsurprisingly turn out more on the casual side.
話癆的單品介紹終於結束 : P 那麼開始話癆的穿搭介紹吧(喂!) 這次有想儘量呈現不同的風格,不過因為都是很基本的單品所以搭出來也是比較日常的感覺啦~
Co-ordinates : 1+4
* A basic combo of white T and jeans, here's where the right accessories can work wonders!
* 基本的白T x 牛仔褲,就靠配件加分吧!
Co-ordinates : 1+2+6
* The burnt orange hue of the skirt gives a nice pop of colour to the entire outfit.
* 裙子的土橘色給整體搭配帶來了色彩上的亮點。
Co-ordinates : 5
* Adding black details is a good way to spice up a potentially saccharine pink outfit.
* 如果擔心粉色穿搭過於甜膩,不妨加入黑色的細節增加個性。
Co-ordinates : 6
* Another thing I love about this trench : it looks good as a dress too ; )
* 對這件風衣喜愛的另一點就是當洋裝穿也很好看。
Co-ordinates : 3+2
* A jacket multitasking as a top when all buttoned up : P
* 把棒球外套全扣起來當成上衣穿了 : P
Co-ordinates : 1+5
* Haha I think you might find that I've been lazy and repeating the accessories quite often!
* 哈哈有發現嗎?其實我這次好偷懶啊,配件重複率好高 XDD
Co-ordinates : 3+4
* A few pink details can lend a touch of feminism to this decidedly boyish outfit.
* 棒球外套 x 破褲這樣偏男孩子氣的組合就靠一點粉色配件增添柔和的氛圍吧!
Co-ordinates : 1+4+6
* Love the slightly baggy cut of this coat when worn opened, imparts a casual feel I think.
* 這件風衣打開穿時是比較偏鬆垮的,喜歡這種有點Ungrid隨性風的感覺。
Co-ordinates : 5+7+6
* Here's a maxi dress doubling as a top when pulled up and hidden beneath the skirt ; )
* 這次是把長洋裝拉起來藏在裙底當背心穿的概念 ; )
Co-ordinates : 2+4
* As the back of this skirt is elastic, it can easily be pulled up and worn as a tube top, lol
* 之前有提到啦~裙子的背後是鬆緊的,所以可以直接拉上胸當平口背心穿 XD
Co-ordinates : 1+7+3
* Interposing the romanticism of a tulle skirt against the boyishness of a baseball jacket.
* 靠著帶男孩子氣的棒球外套中和掉一點紗裙的浪漫女孩氛圍。
Co-ordinates : 5+3
* Totally adore the combination of pastel grey and pink, reminds me of early spring.
* 超愛淺灰 x 粉色的組合,很有早春的味道。
Co-ordinates : 1+7
* A very simple combination, but caught this moment of the tulle skirt aflutter ♥
* 超簡單的搭配,但意外捕捉到紗裙飛起的瞬間 ♥
Co-ordinates : 2+7
* Truth be told though, that crumpled hem is what you usually get with this skirt, haha!
* 要老實說的話,這紗裙皺在一起的下襬才是它的常態啊哈哈!
* . * . *
That's all this time, dear folks! As these are really common items, I'm sure you can find similar items in your own closet. Why not try this out yourself? ; ) Oh, and usually I like to include a little overview of the accessories used, but I'm really getting old and lazy so I'm simply ending this with a recent Instagram medley instead!
這次就醬啦看官們~>////< 這些真的都是很常見的單品,我猜大家可能類似款也能找到一堆 XD 也來嘗試看看吧多日重覆穿搭 ; ) 然後其實以往Style Guide文我都會在結尾附上使用的配件一覽,不過人老了也變懶了,這次就放棄啦直接上照例的近期IG拼圖作結束吧 XDD
Due to a very persistent bout of flu, my IG has been stranded in stagnant waters lately (sob)
最近也因為一直感冒難癒 IG整個是放生狀態了囧 。゚ヽ(゚´Д`)ノ゚。
Bises! ♥♥
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