Monday, February 4, 2019

Le Bal Imaginaire

It's Make-Believe Ballroom Time,
The hour of sweet romance.

-- The Glenn Miller Orchestra "Make Believe Ballroom Time"


    Sometimes a hobbit, too, harbours dreams of being a mermaid. But alas, it is not easy. Mermaid dresses for the petite are few and far between, so when I saw one on sale at Room8008 during their live Instagram I pounced at the chance. Of course there was a bit of trepidation about the fit, but I was more assured than usual because the lady boss wore one in their live and she was 153cm. Ultimately I had to alter the bust a bit, but the rest fits like a glove, literally. I love the cut that accentuates the curves, yielding a callipygian silhouette with a small shapely waist. I wore this for a flute recital during our hospital charity event, but then I thought this dress is too nice and grand not to do a Tatler Ball-esque photoshoot with. Forgive that fan prop overkill, but I was thoroughly enamoured with the image of Russian debutante Polina Dunaevskaya dancing in Georges Hobeika with a white lace fan at last year's Moscow Tatler Ball and thought I would attempt a feeble replication ; )

    (Please excuse the slightly messy tabletop as this photoshoot took place in my parent's bathroom, and I was too lazy to tidy things up LOL)

    有時身為哈比也想當個人魚啊啊啊啊(淚)。但是適合矮小一族的魚尾長洋裝真的少之又少。所以當我在IG推送的Room8008直播中看到這件就手刀入手了。當然關於大小是否合適的疑慮還是有的,但最後推坑關鍵的因素是因為直播中店家闆娘穿起來剛剛好,而她身高153公分跟我相當接近。收到的時候胸圍太大了所以還是拿去修改了,但其他部分真的非常非常合身。我覺得這件剪裁非常強調腰線臀線,在顯臀的同時也顯腰細,給人一種婀娜多姿(?)的錯覺(都自己講 XD)。這件我在去年醫院的慈善晚會中演奏笛子時穿了,但是覺得它真的好正式,不拿來拍一組Tatler晚舞會風的照片太可惜了 XDD  抱歉那扇子實在是浮誇了點,不過那時候非常著迷於在去年莫斯科Tatler舞會中俄國名門閨秀Polina Dunaevskaya拿著白色蕾絲扇翩然起舞的身影,一直想弱弱的模仿一下 : P

    (那個,後面梳洗台有點雜亂請見諒,因為這次是在我爸媽的浴室架腳架自拍的,時間匆忙我就懶得收拾了 囧>)

Dress :  Room8008
Shoes :  Zalora
Earrings & bracelet :  Cor-date

Bises, et bon nouvel an chinois! 


  1. hi yun, I am a bill. Jia Yi, minbing and I have formed a WhatsApp group. we wanna add you ar. you can add +886972759xx7 (xx is the year we started our university , med xx, u probably remember). wish u all the beautiful!

  2. I love the way this dress accentuates your curves.


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