In the pastel shades of sunlight I have wandered,
With my eyes, my ears, my heart strained to the full.
-- Joan Baez "Turquoise"
I know this post is a little late in coming (actually, a few months late tbh), but this is one Japanese magazine furoku that I absolutely love and want to recommend -- a set of 7 pastel nail polishes in a semi-translucent pouch by Snidel that comes with the April issue of Sweet magazine. There's also a booklet included with various suggestions of nail patterns and colour schemes. The colour selection was what drew me initially, but I certainly didn't expect the formula to be so up my alley. These pastel polishes are one of the rare ones with which I don't end up with annoying little gas bubbles on bumpy nail surfaces. These apply smoother than a lot of other polishes that I've used and also dry up quite speedily -- another important pro. Here I've created four looks with this set of pastel polishes, and that's a big deal when you've got clumsy fingers like me, LOL!
我知道這篇心得文大概來的有點太晚了(晚了好幾個月 囧>) ,但是這次4月號的Sweet雜誌跟Snidel合作的贈品 -- 一組七色的粉彩指甲油外加一個Snidel半透明印花袋子 -- 我真的太太喜歡也太太推薦啦~~!隨雜誌還附贈了一本指彩小冊子,提供各種畫法竅門跟配色參考。當然可愛又春天的指甲油配色是當初被這套吸引的主因,但是沒想到他的質地卻意外的好刷。手殘如我用很多款指甲油都會出現惱人的氣泡浮於甲面,這一套卻難得的不太會有氣泡問題。對我而言這套刷起來比許多買來的指甲油更加順手,重點是效果好又還滿快乾的。這次用這套弄了四種不同的look,其實都超簡單基本,但是對於我這手殘人來說我已經盡力啦~~大家別嫌棄太陽春,將就看看啦 ^^P
This is one of the looks included in the booklet tutorial, these wide pastel stripes are perfect for a spring afternoon tea or summer fete in a girly pastel dress. I've uploaded a (very grainy) video tutorial of this look on my Instagram, feel free to head over if you're so inclined.
Taking a cue from my own maxi dress, this look is all about that speck of green in the midst of fiery red blooms. The pale purple shade, I have to say, is really pale, so much so it borders on pinkish white under sunlight, repeated application of 3-4 layers is needed for that purple hue to show through. (Btw this look was also present in the previous Daxi grey dress post, and the colours were more clearly and accurately shown then.)
這個配色就比較鮮豔些,主要配合洋裝來個萬紅叢中一點綠 XDD 這個組合中的淺紫色真的非常淺,陽光下甚至有點像粉白色,要多擦幾層才比較有紫調。(話說這個look在前一篇大喜洋裝的穿搭文有放過,顏色也拍的比較清楚,有興趣可以參考看看)。
Of course, a macaron-inspired colour scheme is a no-brainer with the selection of pastels in this set. Couldn't resist pairing my super-colourful mani with my equally colourful capsule toy earrings though.
既然是粉彩色的指甲油組合,不來個馬卡龍配色指彩就太說不過去了。因為指尖色彩繽紛,忍不住在耳邊也搭了對同樣繽紛的毛球扭蛋耳環 XD
A departure from the vibrant looks previously, the pale pink and the dusty pink shades in this set allow for a more subdued palette. However as nude hues alone felt a tad boring to me, I added a splash of red for some extra kick : P
上面都是色彩繽紛的配色,其實這個組合中也有淺膚粉色跟裸粉色可以作比較氣質的指彩。但是因為覺得單只有粉裸色系有點單調所以硬是加了點紅色點綴 : P
* * *
Well, that's that this time! I'm sorry if the focusing on the fingertips leaves something to be desired, that's the problem with self-portraiture by means of a self-timer and a tripod. And now quietly ending this with a greedy little eat-while-you-work GIF :D
這次先這樣啦~!抱歉因為都是腳架自拍,指尖的對焦可能美中不足請見諒 ^^" 最後以一個邊拍邊偷吃馬卡龍的gif作結束 XDD
Bises! ♥♥
beautiful colors
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