I remember black clouds blooming as I shouldered the blame,
The gun metal grey on that trembling day.
The gun metal grey on that trembling day.
-- OTEP "No Color"
I'm back at last with an outfit post, and I'll admit it : I've lost touch. Months and months of procrastination and inaction have rendered my pen blunt and my vocabulary sparse. That said, I finally bit the bullet, discarded my iPhone (and the J-drama I was watching on said phone) and on this glorious day headed outside for a photoshoot in my flashy new gunmetal grey loafers. Not that new actually, I bought them months ago when Grace Gift had a clearance sale or something. I've not bought from them in ages, but this pair was surprisingly comfortable from the get-go. By the way, please overlook that awkward legs-planted-wide-apart peasant pose, there was a bicycle coming my way and I had to have my stance ready for flight lest it comes crashing through the gates ; )
終於生出一篇新穿搭文啦 (〒︿〒) 太久沒寫筆鋒生鏽詞彙匱乏,簡直是拖延症的現世報。不過可喜可賀上週某天終於咬牙放下了手機(以及手機上看著的日劇 ←重點),到外面去把拖了很久沒寫的亮閃閃槍銀色樂福鞋拍一拍。其實並不是新鞋,大概好幾個月前Grace Gift的換季特價入手的。已經超久沒光顧,這次的樂福鞋擺脫以往的印象,意外的好穿,完全不用磨合期 ヾ(●゜▽゜●)♡ 然後那個...請忽略腳開很大的尷尬站姿,因為當時有腳踏車迎面而來,我一邊聽著相機定時自拍的倒數聲一邊要準備好隨時可以閃開的架勢真的非常不容易啊 _(:3 」∠ )_
Jacket : Romwe.com
Skirt : Alexandra Grecco
Shoes : Grace Gift
Ring : Cor-date
Bises! ♥♥
Oh God! I really love this outfit, you wear it so well!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much dear, I'm really happy you like it!! <3