Summers by the sea, a sailboat in Capri
These memories shall be our very own.
These memories shall be our very own.
-- Tony Bennett "Tender is the Night"
I'm taking a breather from organizing those seemingly infinite-in-number travel photos, and I guess I might as well write a summer-themed Style Guide post as an intermission. While I was reluctantly washing those lace espadrilles last weekend, it occurred to my mind that I've acquired much blues and whites in my recent shopping haul. Not one to pass up on any chance of a marine theme, today's colours would be, of course, the quintessential summer palette of blue and white.
面對那看似整理不完的旅遊照片,我決定中場休息一下,插播個夏季主題的穿搭教學文。其實是上個週末很不情願的在洗上面這雙蕾絲休閒鞋時,想起最近好像入手了不少藍色跟白色的單品。有機會寫最愛的海洋風穿搭當然不會放過,於是今天就來整理了一些藍 x 白配色的夏日穿搭 >///<
Ivory heels from DashleyT
Lace espadrilles from
In keeping with the blue-and-white theme, I would be using the two pairs of white (or rather, cream white) shoes pictured above. These are incredibly versatile and basically my most frequently-worn footwear in recent months. White is such an easy colour to work with, any self-respecting shoe closet would be amiss without a pair (or even better, multiple pairs) of 'em white footwear.
為配合藍白配色的主題,今天的鞋子就交給上面這兩雙白鞋(其實是米白 :P)啦!兩雙都非常好搭,基本上應該算這幾個月最常穿的鞋子了。白色真的超白搭,我由衷覺得鞋櫃裡一定得要來一雙白鞋才算完整啊(嗯 ... 通常還不只一雙 XDD)!
As I've now reached a point where too much cute stuff would send cocked eyebrows and furtive headshakes my way, I'm going for casual chic this time, something of the otona-kawaii look in the style of Japanese fashion icons Rinka and Miho Tanaka, featuring midi skirts and blazers and such. I'm pairing one item with the two pairs of shoes above, and you can see that a different pair of shoes can inspire a whole new look.
因為我已經到一個穿太可愛風的衣物會遭人白眼的年紀( T_T ),所以這次想走類似田中美保或梨花那種大人感的休閒風格,充滿著如西外跟及膝圓裙等的大人(?)的單品。這次會用一件特定的單品分別搭配兩雙鞋子,藉由不同的鞋子搭配出不同感覺的穿搭。
A white blazer can add an element of chic to a simple outfit. By rolling up the sleeves (or choosing half-sleeves), you can lessen the formality of a blazer and basically pair it with jeans or shorts to create a more laid-back look.
Blazer : YFS
Jeans : STS Jeans
Heels : DashleyT
Bag : thrifted
Blazer : YFS
Top : Forever 21
Shorts : Nichii
Shoes : here
A denim shirt is an essential piece for casual chic. If you're going for the denim-on-denim trend (as in the 2nd look of this part), try having a lighter shade of denim on top for a more flattering effect.
大人感的休閒風不能少了丹寧襯衫啊!如果想要嘗試之前很夯的丹寧 x 丹寧的穿法(比如這部分的第二個 look),要記得最好上身選擇較淺色的丹寧單品才能達到比較修飾的效果。

Top : from Okuno
Skirt : Kooki
Heels : DashleyT
Top : from Okuno
Shorts : STS Jeans
Shoes : here
Bag : freebie from Ted Baker
Oh, the white tulle skirt. The ultimate girly item, you say, but the midi length, along with the right complements such as a blazer or a pair of pointy-toed heels, would create look that is girly yet mature at the same time.
Top :
Skirt : Snidel
Heels : Dashley T
Backpack : Vincci
Blazer : Wears Inc.
Skirt : Snidel
Shoes : here
Clutch : 31 sons de mode
The midi trend is still going strong since taking off last year, so there's no reason to shy away from getting some pretty skirts this season. This satin one in a very saturated cobalt hue can be dressed up or down with the right accessories and shoes.
及膝圓裙從去年大紅起來開始到現在還沒有退流行的跡象,所以沒有理由不入手幾件來試試啊!這件色彩超飽和的緞面圓裙可以正式也可以休閒,只要遇上對的配件對的鞋 : )
Top : Jeanasis
Skirt : Belle & Perle
Heels : DashleyT
Top : thrifted
Skirt : Belle & Perle
Shoes : here
Bag : freebie from Ted Baker
I'm sorry if the shoes are partly concealed beneath the maxi dress. Fact is, I couldn't resist including a dress that can be disguised as a skirt by layering with a crop top or blouse.
真是不好意思,鞋子有一大半被長裙給遮住了 XD 不過實在忍不住想要加入一件長洋裝單品。搭上一件短版上衣的話,長洋裝也能偽裝成長裙啦!
Top : YFS
Dress : Moulinette Soeurs (via Anthropologie)
Heels : DashleyT
Clutch : Vincci
Dress : Moulinette Soeurs (via Anthropologie)
Shoes : here
Bag : freebie from Ted Baker
* * *
That's that, then! At least for the outfit part ; )
Here's, as usual, a peek at some of the accessories used!
下面照例附上了一些配件的細節照 : )
I bought these cream white heels from DashleyT last year after realizing what a serious handicap it is for a girl without a pair of basic white pumps, and how hard it is to find a pair nowadays without the fancy adornments of bows or buckles or gold adornments. The height is just right for me, and despite them being a bit too narrow up front for my liking initially, after wearing them a few times I've grown accustomed to them and the design of the vamp is actually flattering to my bunioned feet.
去年發現沒有一雙基本的白色跟鞋對喜歡玩穿搭的我來說是多麼麻煩的一件事後,就開始尋覓一雙真的是基本款 -- 不要蝴蝶結、不要鞋扣、不要金屬裝飾 -- 的白色跟鞋。後來看到小逸有出這雙米白色就跟她買了。跟高我覺得剛好,不過一開始穿的時候前面有點窄對我來說有點太擠,不過穿過幾次後感覺有變鬆了就還好,而且楦頭的V型設計對於我有些微拇指外翻的腳來說還蠻有修飾效果的。
I love these lace espadrilles so much I got both the black ones and the white ones. These are made in Korea and really comfortable for walking in, which was why I brought them along on my England trip (here and here). The lace is delicate yet sturdy and does not shrink when hand-washed.
因為太喜歡這款蕾絲藤編鞋所以包色了 (*´艸`*) 這雙是韓國製,好穿好走,這次去英國旅行的時候穿它們逛整天都沒問題喔(可以看這篇跟這篇)!它的蕾絲還蠻細緻的,不過還算堅挺,這次照片上的是已經洗過一次了的蕾絲鞋,水洗曬乾後也沒有縮掉或變形。
Crystal point necklace from Forever 21
Layered necklace from Forever 21
Etched bangles by Zawadi and Forever 21
Raw stone cuff from Etsy, plaited bracelet from Forever 21
Perhaps it is self-evident that I have lately taken a liking to bohemian-inspired jewellery à la Free People -- layered necklaces, raw stones and multiple bangles. Luckily there's a wide selection of these available at F21 at prices that would definitely not break the bank : P
也許照片可以很明顯看出來,我最近很愛 Free People 那種波西米亞風的飾品 -- 一層層疊加的項鍊、原石水晶、堆疊手鐲等等。幸好 F21 有很多這類飾品可供選擇,而且價格也絕對不會讓荷包大出血的地步 : P
As usual, I'm ending the Style Guide post with a colour-coordinated medley of my Instagram posts. I'm really blue-obsessed of late, you see! You can join me @ bonjourjasmineblog if you like!
照例用同色調的 Instagram 近期照片來結束穿搭教學文!最近真的著迷於藍色啊 XDD 大家有興趣的話可以來我的 IG (bonjourjasmineblog) 找我聊天噢!:)
Bises! ♥♥
Every outfit looks great! Bravo <33
ReplyDeleteLove the denim on denim one especially
每次都像在看雜誌一樣享受啊 o(^_^)o