Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Danseuse de Les Néréides

Dance, ballerina, dance,
And do your pirouette in rhythm with your achin' heart.
-- Nat King Cole "Ballerina"


    A while ago I had a small spree at the Les Néréides website, being a fan of their whimsical yet delicate designs for years but never really endeavoured a purchase until now. The ballerina series being one of their signature designs, the figures emulate the basic poses of ballet dancers with remarkable likeness. On a sweltering noon during my stay at Hever Castle and with the light too harsh for outdoors shooting, I decided to do a little ballerina photoshoot in the comfort of my own room. It did not turn out so well, I'm embarrassed to say, what with the backlighting and distortions and relative unfamiliarity with my new camera, but hopefully you would still enjoy this rare indoor shoot of my Hever days.

    前陣子我莫名的很想入手 Les Néréides 家的飾品,雖然關注他們天馬行空卻做工細緻的飾品很久了,但是直到最近才真正卯起來訂購 XD  芭蕾舞系列大概已經是他們的入門款了吧,這系列的墜子把芭蕾舞伶的基本動作刻劃的惟妙惟。住在 Hever Castle 時遇上一個大熱天,正午光線太強不方便外拍,於是想說在房裡自己拍個芭蕾舞風格的穿搭。結果出來的照片其實不太滿意,因為還不太熟悉新相機的設定還有就是背光跟變形的問題 orz  不過還是勉強放了上來,畢竟是難得的在 Hever 的室內拍攝,請大家將就著看別介意啦! ^^"

p/S You can see more of the trip on my Instagram (@bonjourjasmineblog) !
 Top :  thrifted
Skirt :  Alexandra Grecco
Shoes :  Bata
Necklace :  Les Néréides

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Watercolour Gardens

Only the waves last forever,
She's only a watercolour.
-- Cabaret Noir "On a Sunday Morning"

    This is my first day at the enchantingly picturesque Hever Castle, the abode of the infamous Anne Boleyn in the days of Tudor reign. I arrived at the grounds during late afternoon, with the evening sun seeping through the foliage of the summer grove and the paths increasingly deserted. A moment of solitude, and the convenience of an uninterrupted photoshoot alone, amidst the perfume of a wall of budding roses. Then a short walk down the quiet sideroad to the only pub in town. The King Henry VIII was actually a delightful place, lively and welcoming with good food and a most helpful staff. After downing an entire portion of bangers and mash, to the dismay of my fitted dress, the pleasant day ended with some sticky toffee and a little star-gazing along the road back to the storied castle. 

    這是我在英國城郊 Hever Castle的第一天拍的,這座城堡其實是都鐸時期亨利八世有名的第二任妻子安‧博林的住家。下午從倫敦搭火車大約是在近黃昏的時候到達,那時接近黃金時刻,夕陽的光正穿過層層綠葉灑落在小樹林中,小路也變得人煙稀少。於是可以伴隨著整牆玫瑰的花香盡情的自拍 :P  之後就沿著城堡外的小路一路走到當地唯一的酒館覓食。這家名為亨利八世的酒館其實是個很不錯的地方,食物美味氣氛也好,比起酒吧更像是餐廳。吃完一整份香腸與薯泥大餐(我似乎聽到腰改得很合身的洋裝在哀嚎 XD),用甜而不膩的太妃糖布丁和回途中美麗的星空結為在 Hever Castle 的第一天劃下了完美的句點。

p/S You can see more of the trip on my Instagram (@bonjourjasmineblog) !

Dress :  here
Shoes :  via Taobao
Bracelet :  Cor-date
Necklace :  Cor-date 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Every time we go eating out,
Just desserts, tea and sympathy.
-- Split Enz "Sugar and Spice"
    On my last day in London, I took an early morning stroll to Covent Garden for breakfast and some last-minute shopping. It was fascinating to see the shops preparing for the day and trucks upon trucks unloading wares on the deserted piazza. Ladurée, too, was unmanned at this early hour, allowing me the liberty of taking many pictures in the empty tearoom after a breakfast of Eggs Benedict and a lovely Ispahan. As I walked out into the gradually crowded court, boxes of macarons in hand, I held my steps for a little while, revelling in the sights and sounds of Covent Garden before heading homeward to catch a train to Edenbridge.
    在倫敦的最後一天,我一大清早就起床,散步走到柯芬園去吃早餐和小逛街一下。看著商家們忙著做開店準備,還有好幾輛大卡車在無人的廣場上搬運貨物,那樣的柯芬園面貌還是有點新奇的。那裡的 Ladurée 也一樣還是空著,於是我在吃完班尼迪克蛋跟 Ispahan 甜點的早餐後,就像包了場似的在無人的午茶沙龍裡任意拍照 XDD  吃完拍完後兩手提著盒裝的馬卡龍來到了逐漸湧現人潮的廣場上,我還是忍不住停住了腳步,享受著這裡充滿活力的氛圍。最後踩著不捨的腳步前往火車站,英國的下一站行程 Edenbridge 也就此開始。

p/S You can see more of the trip on my Instagram (@bonjourjasmineblog) !

Top :  here
Skirt :  Alexandra Grecco
Shoes :  via Taobao
Bag :  Patricia Chang

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