Suddenly I saw polka dots and moonbeams
All around a pug-nosed dream.
All around a pug-nosed dream.
-- Frank Sinatra "Polka Dots and Moonbeams"
Polka dots, feminine and fun at the same time. I am glad I snapped up this darling dress during the Pazzo half-price bonanza last year. The lovely back detail sealed the deal for me and frankly, this can be worn at any occasion, be it a formal dinner or a shopping trip with girlfriends. With all the sombre monochromatic backdrop of my piano room, I'm pairing it with red nails and my red Cambridge satchel for a splash of colour.
點點風,奇妙的同時具有女人味及童趣的神奇印花。現在想來很慶幸去年的Pazzo換季五折中入手了這件黑白點點洋裝。背後可愛的露背綁帶是壓死我的最後一根稻草 XDD 而且這件真的任何場合都可以穿啊~去喝喜酒也好,跟朋友逛街也 ok。然後因為鋼琴室全是單調的黑白色調,所以搭上紅色指彩跟紅色劍橋包增加一點喜氣(?) : P
Dress : Pazzo
Shoes : Topshop
And since I was shooting in the piano room, I tried filming a video for the first time ever with my DSLR. Sorry the piano wasn't tuned for years and the weather was gloomy, so the video was kinda dark and out of tune ;) Oh, and apologies for the incomplete song, I was too mean to purchase a proper converting software, so the trial version cut my 4 minute video into this super short film :(
然後因為在鋼琴室拍照,想說順便用單眼嘗試錄影。不好意思,鋼琴n年沒調過音了,外面光線也不太好,所以整段影片陰暗又走音 XDD 還有我不是故意錄不完整的歌啦,只是因為太摳門不想買轉檔軟體,結果試用版把我原本4分鐘的影片砍成這樣 orz (然後因為曲是最近幫朋友編的,還沒好好修改,請不要介意 >_<)
Bises! ♥♥