I live in the shade of a forest of green
In the wildest of woodlands that you've ever seen.
-- Gordon Lightfoot "Sea of Tranquility"
Finally! I put my foot down at last and got to work on this long-delayed photoshoot, despite last minute qualms about taking selfies in the public in a long white dress (with a veil to boot!). I hope you'll excuse the not-so-properly-focussed photos, I had to run back and forth the grassy fields in high heels (though I ditched those in the end :P ) to set the self-timer and avoid tripping over my long dress. I do really love this flower crown with purple and lilac blossoms from AmoreBride, it was custom made but now appeared to be a regular feature on the Etsy site. Oh, and the purple crystal bracelet from Cor-date is just divine. It's a tad more purple in real life, but the delicate gold leaves and sparkling lilac crystals are just perfect for June weddings and dreamy outfits. And these are close-ups of my purple lovelies on Instagram here and here!
p/S I'm typing this while listening to Orla Fallon (here), fits in a weird way :)
終於!!我終於一鼓作氣把拖了很久的偽婚紗給拍完了~感動 T︿T 雖然有過臨陣退縮的念頭,畢竟是在大庭廣眾穿著白色長洋裝(還頂著頭紗)在自拍啊 XD 呃 ... 希望大家不要介意有些照片沒對焦好,我可是為了設自拍定時器穿著高跟鞋在草地上來回跑,好累 orz 這次用的深淺紫花花環我超愛的,其實我是指定了花款跟顏色請 AmoreBride 的 Michelle 幫我訂製的,不過發現她後來也把這款上架做為常態商品了。當然還有 Cor-date 的紫色碎花手鍊,整個就是超夢幻 >///< 實品的紫色鑽看起來會比較深一點喔~不過那精緻的葉片跟閃閃發亮的碎鑽真的超美,完全適合六月婚禮或搭配春日偽仙的穿搭啊,哈哈! 然後照例有細節照放在 Instagram 上~請點這裡跟這裡! ;)
p/S 我現在一邊打文章一邊聽著這首 Orla Fallon 的歌(點這裡聽),莫名的適合 XD
Dress : Kristine
Shoes : Forever 21
Floral crown : AmoreBride
Bracelet : Cor-date
Bises! ♥♥