Thursday, May 29, 2014

Woodland's Song

I live in the shade of a forest of green
In the wildest of woodlands that you've ever seen.

-- Gordon Lightfoot "Sea of Tranquility"


    Finally! I put my foot down at last and got to work on this long-delayed photoshoot, despite last minute qualms about taking selfies in the public in a long white dress (with a veil to boot!). I hope you'll excuse the not-so-properly-focussed photos, I had to run back and forth the grassy fields in high heels (though I ditched those in the end :P ) to set the self-timer and avoid tripping over my long dress. I do really love this flower crown with purple and lilac blossoms from AmoreBride, it was custom made but now appeared to be a regular feature on the Etsy site. Oh, and the purple crystal bracelet from Cor-date is just divine. It's a tad more purple in real life, but the delicate gold leaves and sparkling lilac crystals are just perfect for June weddings and dreamy outfits. And these are close-ups of my purple lovelies on Instagram here and here!

p/S  I'm typing this while listening to Orla Fallon (here), fits in a weird way  :)

    終於!!我終於一鼓作氣把拖了很久的偽婚紗給拍完了~感動 T︿T  雖然有過臨陣退縮的念頭,畢竟是在大庭廣眾穿著白色長洋裝(還頂著頭紗)在自拍啊 XD  呃 ... 希望大家不要介意有些照片沒對焦好,我可是為了設自拍定時器穿著高跟鞋在草地上來回跑,好累 orz  這次用的深淺紫花花環我超愛的,其實我是指定了花款跟顏色請 AmoreBride 的 Michelle 幫我訂製的,不過發現她後來也把這款上架做為常態商品了。當然還有 Cor-date 的紫色碎花手鍊,整個就是超夢幻 >///<  實品的紫色鑽看起來會比較深一點喔~不過那精緻的葉片跟閃閃發亮的碎鑽真的超美,完全適合六月婚禮或搭配春日偽仙的穿搭啊,哈哈! 然後照例有細節照放在 Instagram 上~請點這裡這裡! ;)

p/S  我現在一邊打文章一邊聽著這首 Orla Fallon 的歌(點這裡聽),莫名的適合  XD

Dress :  Kristine
Shoes :  Forever 21
Floral crown :  AmoreBride
Bracelet :  Cor-date


Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Bit of Nature

    Ever since my Holika Holika BB Cushion pact dried up on me, I've been on the search for something new. You can find positive and negative reviews on nearly all brands of BB Cushion currently on market, yet this CC Cushion from Nature Republic has been curiously under the radar for quite some time. I think my interest must have been piqued by the obscurity of it all, and so it came into my base makeup stash alongside several of its more renowned skincare counterparts.

    自從我的 Holika Holika 氣墊粉餅給我徹底乾掉以後,我就一直想再嘗試其他品牌的舒芙蕾粉底。幾乎市面上每個品牌的氣墊粉餅都可以在網路上找到生火文跟滅火文,不過 Nature Republic 這款 CC 舒芙蕾神奇的竟然沒有半點心得 @_@  我想我是被它的默默無聞給吸引了 XD,於是它就這樣隨著其他幾樣比較知名的保養品加入了我的底妝大軍。

    The packaging is more or less like other BB Cushion pacts, with a tight lid separating the sponge and the foundation to prevent drying out. To be honest, I find the sponge a bit too thin, I think I prefer Holika Holika's sponge for ease of application but the overall effects are more or less the same.

    包裝方面其實跟其他氣墊粉餅差不多,就是有個可以扣緊的蓋子隔絕海綿跟下面的粉底以防止很快乾掉。不過老實說,我覺得海綿太薄了一點,相較起來 Holika Holika 的海綿擦起來比較順手 ... 不過上妝效果差不多啦!

    When I first tried out the foundation before my dresser, I thought it looked quite matte in the mirror. But then when I took a step back and the sunlight fell on my face, the effect was a dewy and glowing skin that looked supple. I have large pores and redness on my cheeks and comedones on my nose, which you can see in this no-makeup closeup photo here if you're interested. I think this product covers the pores and redness quite well, but does not really help much with comedones. Dark circle coverage is quite satisfactory, but for full coverage you would still need a concealer. In these photos, I used only the CC Cushion pact and a bit of concealer on the undereye areas, no highlighter or loose powder were used.

    第一次在梳妝台前試這個舒芙蕾的時候,看鏡子第一印象是 "竟然是霧面效果?" 可是後來退一步,陽光照到臉上的時候就完全呈現一種『曖曖內含光』的光澤感,看起來皮膚有種潤澤緊緻的 fu。我本身膚況是兩頰鼻翼兩旁毛孔粗大且泛紅,鼻子有不少粉刺,呃~素顏皮膚特寫可看這邊。這款氣墊粉餅對於遮蓋大毛孔跟泛紅表現不錯,不過對於鼻子粉刺沒啥幫助(妝感近照可以看得出來  T_T)我覺得遮黑眼圈的部分比起其他粉底算是令人滿意,不過要完全遮住還是需要遮瑕膏啊! 這次的完妝照中,底妝的部分只使用了 CC 氣墊粉餅跟一點遮瑕膏來遮黑眼圈,沒有另外用其他蜜粉或打亮的產品喔!

    The lasting power of this foundation is not really great without setting powder, and tends to look a bit on the oily side after around 3- 4 hours for me, so I think a layer of powder is still perhaps needed though it may take the dewy sheen off a little. By the way, I did not use any software or specific lighting for these photos other than increasing a little overall brightness using Photoscape and sunlight from an opposite open window  :)

    這款粉餅如果沒搭蜜粉,持久度只是普普,在我臉上大概 3-4 小時就變從光澤變油光了 orz 所以打一層蜜粉我想還是需要的,雖然光澤感會退步一點。然後這次照片除了用 Photoscape 稍微調整整體亮度之外,沒有使用美肌或打光噢(其實就是站在打開的窗戶對面用腳架拍照這樣  XDD )!

    That's all, I guess, a rather simplistic review of a virtually review-less BB cushion pact. By the way, here's the same look taken without skin filters on my phone that day   If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or find me on Instagram (@ bonjourjasmineblog ) .

    就醬吧~有點陽春的心得,哈哈!大概是網路上這款舒芙蕾的唯一心得吧  囧>  然後這個是當天同個妝容的手機自拍,一樣沒開美肌  有問題的話歡迎留言或可以來 Instagram 找我聊天喔(帳號 bonjourjasmineblog )!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fresh Green

And the green fields of summer
Will be ours forever.

-- Peter Wolf "Green Fields of Summer"


    It is utterly annoying -- the unpredictability of the weather these days. If you will believe it, moments after I took these sunny photos (even sweating a little going to and fro the camera), there came a huge downpour of a most violent sort complete with howling winds and roaring thunder. I was wearing a backless mint green dress from Pazzo, which I got at half price last year. I love the cut and material actually, it is a simple and rather flattering dress if you don't mind baring a little skin ;)

    最近天氣也太多變了~整個很煩 >.<  我剛拍完這些看似晴朗的照片(徘徊於相機前調整定時自拍還會流汗的大熱天),沒過多久就下起狂風暴雨,夾雜著打雷閃電。哈哈~扯遠了,這天穿的是 Pazzo 的露背薄荷綠洋裝,是之前五折出清的時候入手的。我還滿喜歡這件的剪裁跟質料的啦~其實就是件設計簡單好看的洋裝,如果不介意露背清涼一下的話 ;)

Dress :
Shoes :  Emilio Valentino
Bag :  Vincci
Necklace :  Accessorize


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