God took the stars and he tossed 'em,
Can't tell the birds from the blossoms.
-- Tom Waits "Green Grass"
I have to admit I've put this post off for too long, I hope you don't mind the totally season-inappropriate outfit. Anyway, I'm sharing a bit about a freebie Chesty phone wallet I got from a Japanese fashion magazine called Bijin Hyakka ages ago. The print with the birds and the flowers, which was also one of Chesty's most popular prints and has been made into dresses and purses, was what moved me, and I wanted a phone wallet for when I just needed to take a bit of cash and my phone to, say, get a quick supper. Yet this print was totally random, you might get many birds on the front cover if you're lucky or not at all, or you might get them in unfavorable places such as the corners making them barely discernible, or have their bodies cut off by the edges or the closure flap. I'd be lying if I say I wasn't a bit worried after seeing on Instagram that many Japanese girls had to buy multiple copies to score one with at least one whole bird in front. Fortunately I had a bit of luck with mine and the prettiest bluebird (which the Japanese girls considered lucky and dubbed "幸せの青い鳥")was in the prominent centre while there was another yellow one soaring in the top-right and a red-and-white one perched at the left bottom corner.
真是不好意思,這篇真是拖太久了連穿搭都過季了,請大家將就看看 XDD 話說去年夏末又為了贈品入手了日雜「美人百花」。這次送的是花鳥印花的Chesty手機包。這個印花大概是Chesty的暢銷款之一,之前就有用同款印花出過洋裝跟短夾。我愛這種浪漫風印花,然後也想要一個手機包以便去買宵夜時可以只帶一點錢跟手機就好(就是這麼懶 XD)。那麼問題來了,這手機包的印花是隨機的。你可能包包正面有很多隻鳥,也可能一隻都沒有,或者是鳥在很不起眼的地方比如邊邊跟角落或是鳥頭或鳥身在邊緣被裁掉了--總之跟賭博一樣刺激。打開盒子的時候我都有點擔心了,畢竟IG上看到很多日本女生買了好幾個才終於拿到正面一隻完整的鳥 orz 幸好我拿到的還算不錯,被日本女生稱為「幸福藍鳥(幸せの青い鳥)」的藍白色小鳥位置正好接近中央,右上跟左下還各有一隻黃色跟紅色的鳥。
The wallet was designed for a universal fit of phone sizes (excepting plus models which would be a tad too big) and naturally there would not be a keyhole for the phone camera because different models come with different camera placements. Instead they have this sliding mechanism where you attach your phone to the black adhesive, and when you need to use it you can easily slide your phone upwards to reveal the camera. The adhesive is pretty sticky, but I didn't really want to stick my phone onto it permanently so I stuck a simple rose gold case from the dollar store instead. That way I can switch my phone cases easily according to my needs at the moment. As for the outfit, I just brought my floral blazer out as the print matches almost perfectly with the wallet. And with the flower headband and the butterfly earrings, I was going for a full-on garden theme I guess, LOL .
這款手機包因為是為各種型號手機適用而設計(不過plus的型號會太大一點點),所以上面沒有相機孔,畢竟不同型號相機位置都不同。取而代之的是一個滑板的設計,把手機貼在黑色的貼片上,當需要用相機的時候就把手機往上推露出相機孔,上面有個卡榫會把手機固定住避免下滑,用完再把手機往下推歸位即可。因為不想把手機固定貼在這個手機包裡,所以我貼了個百元店的玫瑰金邊透明手機殼。這樣就能在需要的時候快速的把手機裝進去,錢也塞進去帶著出門了。關於這天的穿搭,我把許久沒穿的花花西裝外套搬出來了,因為跟手機包根本可以組成完美的一套。再加上花花髮帶跟蝶影耳環,我想我當天根本是想走浪漫花園主題路線的 XDD
Floral blazer : SheIn
Top : Pazzo
Phone wallet : Chesty
Earrings : Cor-date x Ayako
Bises! ♥♥
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