Saturday, October 31, 2015

Draught of Living Death

The lady in black said, "Your lifeline is damned",
The tarot of death card she held in her hand.

-- Fates Warning "Kyrie Eleison"

Death arrives among all that sound
like a shoe with no foot in it, like a suit with no man in it,
comes and knocks, using a ring with no stone in it, with no finger in it,
comes and shouts with no mouth, with no tongue, with no throat.
Nevertheless its steps can be heard
and its clothing makes a hushed sound, like a tree.
-- excerpt from "Nothing but Death" by Pablo Neruda
(translated by Robert Bly)
-- 節錄自巴勃罗 ‧ 聂鲁达詩作  "僅有一死"
p/S 最近收到不少詢問攝影師fb或價位的信,
真的沒有攝影師啦謝謝 : )

Top :  here
Skirt :  Chicwish
Necklace :  Cor-date
Crown :  Elemental Child

Bises et joyeux Halloween!


Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Little Bit of Leopard

Oh a leopard can't change his spots,
And oil and water can't mix.
-- Dean Martin "Change of Heart"

    Lately I've taken to wearing flats more often than before, possibly incurred by my recent acquisition of pretty ballet flats from French Sole. These calf hair leopard flats caught my attention because it is so rare to find a pair of girlish leopard flats that is chic instead of kitsch. Granted, the actual colour of the leather is more beige than pink, but all the same it works as well with romantic outfits as with chic or sophisticated ones. 
    最近變得比以前更常穿平底鞋,大概是因為前陣子入手了幾雙 French Sole 的芭蕾舞鞋。這雙前綴豹紋的平底鞋是我看中的第一雙,因為很少看到這麼少女的豹紋鞋於是就手刀入手了 XDD  實品的話皮革的顏色沒有官網那麼粉,比較偏米色,不過一樣搭浪漫風或都市風的穿著都非常適合。

Top :  Pazzo
Skirt :  Snidel
Shoes :  French Sole
Bag :  Vincci
Ring :  Cor-date

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