Forget about the colors that you knew before,
It's just beige to beige.
It's just beige to beige.
John Cougar Mellencamp "Beige to Beige"
I have long had an obsession with nudes (the color scheme, that is ... not literally) and as spring approaches, I finally buckled down to write about my nude-y, beige-y and cream-y stuff ... erm, that sounds a bit weird but oh well! :P
一直以來我都對裸色系超有愛的,於是隨著春天近了,我終於下定決心來寫這篇~好好的記錄一下我那些裸色﹑米色﹑奶油色(?)的單品們 ... 呃,跟指甲油 ;)
Over the years I've accumulated quite a number of nude pink or beige items, either via the omnipotent internet or scouring little boutiques for bargain finds. With these little bits and pieces, I attempt to piece together nude-themed outfits pour 5 jours. And here they are!
Top : (here)
Blazer : YFS Ladies
Skirt : Kooki
Bag : Vincci
A simple outfit fit for work. The nude pink top is actually part of a set that came with culottes of the same hue. It's actually quite comfortable and thankfully, not transparent.
適合日常上班的簡單穿搭。這件淘寶的粉裸色上衣其實是跟上次同色的闊腿褲一個套餐的。算是蠻值的得,因為穿起來舒服而且,謝天謝地,它不透(內搭好煩 XD)!
Top :
Bag :
Nude hues go well with warm colours, too. This Romwe shirt is quite a versatile piece, and I like how the spiked collar adds an interesting detail to an outfit.
裸色系跟溫暖色系也滿契合的喔!這件 Romwe 上衣應該算是百搭的單品,最喜歡的還是領口上的鉚釘裝飾,為穿搭增加一點有趣的細節感 :)
Dress : Niche
Blazer : baby blue
Shoes : Emilio Valentino
Clutch : (here)
Nude items can soften an outfit with dramatic colours. I had this blazer for quite some time, but the cut and the shade of pink nude still appeals to me even now.
在色彩濃烈的穿搭中加上裸色單品可以增添一些溫柔氣息。這件裸粉色西裝外套其實買有點久了,但是它的剪裁跟柔和的色澤即使到現在還是深得我心 >///<
Top :
Shorts : Niche
Bag : Vincci
The pairing of nudes and white/ cream is so very springtime. This knit top from Pazzo is early spring essential, perfect for the occasional slight chill in March and April.
粉裸色 x 白/米色的搭配真的很有春天的氛圍。這件 Pazzo 的針織上衣是早春的必備品,厚度對於三﹑四月偶爾稍冷的天氣剛剛好 :P
Dress :
Jacket :
Bootees :
Bag : Vincci
Adding black items gives a tougher edge to nude outfits. By the way, this asymmetrical Sheinside dress might be a tad flimsy material-wise, but the way the skirt floats as you walk is really ethereal (which, unfortunately, I fail to capture using a self-timer).
加入黑色單品立馬變成『甘 x 辛』的mix。話說回來,這件 Sheinside 前短後長洋裝質料上超薄,質感普普,但是走路時下擺在後面飄起真的很仙(可惜用定時自拍沒拍到 T_T)
* * * * *
And here's the usual shoe shot -- all the shoes that I used in this post. I really adore the nude ones that I just got, comfy and just goes well with so many things! :)
照舊要來拍張鞋子全家福 :P -- 就是這篇穿搭用的全部鞋子啦!目前很愛最近入手的裸色素面高跟鞋,好穿又跟很多單品都很搭 >///<
Of course, I'm wearing nude nails this time and I guess some bangles from bargain bins years ago. Basic black, white and gold work well with nude and beige hues.
當然,這次使用的也是裸色系指彩 ... 還有一些多年前大特價買來的各種便宜手鐲 XDD 最基本的黑色﹑白色跟金色搭上裸色系通常都不會出錯喔!:)
Oh, and if
you follow me on Instagram (@bonjourjasmineblog), you can see that I'm
already obssessed with posting photos of nude shades since, well, maybe
last week LOL
噢對了~如果你們有看我的Instagram (@bonjourjasmineblog),會發現我大概從上禮拜就在狂 po 粉裸色系的照片(這是所謂的鋪梗嗎? XDD)

Hmm ... so there's that then, bonsoir!
Bises! ♥♥
waaaa~ what a nice color combinations! x3
ReplyDeleteI love monday, wednesday and friday's looks :D
cheer, michelle
Aww...thank you Michelle!
DeleteYou always leave such sweet comments :)
ReplyDelete謝謝你,很開心你喜歡 >///<
DeleteBravo!! (I'm ar Bill)
ReplyDeleteAr Bill, 寄個email給我吧~我給你我新的手機號碼 :)
DeleteThanks for writinng