Friday, February 28, 2014

In the Wild

    Awaiting a rare half-day leave in a week full of operations and clinics. Also, trying to find time to complete my next Style Guide article, a post with beige and nude themes and some new stuff I'm currently smitten with :)

    正在等待著充滿手術與門診的一週中,難得的半天假。然後也在努力找時間寫下一篇的 Style Guide 穿搭文,大概是會有裸色系單品跟一些最近熱愛的新戰利品的陽春文 :)

Bises! ♥♥

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Cloche Hat

For I'm the type of boy who is always on the roam, mm.
Wherever I lay my hat that's my home.

-- Paul Young "Wherever I Lay My Hat"


    Cloche hats were a fashion staple back in the golden days of the Roaring 20s. Now that the Jazz Age has become trendy again, I have no difficulty whatsoever finding these smart-looking accessories online, and for a bargain too.

    在紙醉金迷的『咆哮20年代』裡,鐘形帽是每個淑女必備的流行配件。隨著 Jazz Age 的再度流行,這樣的帽子在網路上也隨處可見。於是我不費吹灰之力就找到了價廉物美的 cloche hat,雖然便宜還是可以搭得優雅(偽裝貴婦 XD)。

Top :
Skirt :  beckybwardrobe
Coat :  Max&Co.
Boots :
Hat :  here
Necklace :  Park Avenue

Bises! ♥♥

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

School Girl Morning

Good mornin' little schoolgirl
Can I go home with you?

-- Jonny Lang "Good Morning, Little Schoolgirl"


    I've a weakness for salopettes, they are so reminiscent of childhood you just feel young donning one. This EMODA one that I scored in a Runway Channel sale last year is totally adorable, well-tailored and surprisingly, a perfect fit for me. I love everything about it -- the little button details, the flare of the skirt, the sturdy corduroy and the cinched waist (the waist is really small, around 23"). To complete the schoolgirl look, what's more ideal than a book clutch based on the infamous ingénue Lolita?

    我對吊帶褲/裙一直很有愛,它們總是讓我想起童年時代,彷彿穿上就會瞬間年輕起來  >///<  這款 EMODA 的吊帶裙是去年在 Runway Channel 的折扣季中撿到的,版型可愛、做工細緻,而且對我這個哈比而言神奇的合身 @@  這件的設計真的很得我心 -- 前面的鈕扣細節、裙子的澎度、實在的燈芯絨布料以及強調細腰的設計,只是腰圍真的頗小,約 23 吋要小心。為了達到完整的學生妹 look,有什麼比以著名的誘惑少女 《洛麗塔》為靈感的書本包包來得更加應景呢(笑)? :P

Top :  Earth, Music & Ecology
Salopette skirt :  EMODA
Bootees :
Bag :  p.s. Besitos
Butterfly ring :  Accessorize

Bises! ♥♥

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Lazy Sunday, wake up in the late afternoon
Call Parnell just to see how he's doin (Hello?)
-- The Lonely Island "Lazy Sunday"


    One of my favourite ways of spending a day at the boisterous Ximen District is to stroll around leisurely in search for a new nice eatery to try out. This Italian restaurant "Macchiato" was discovered years ago on a Saturday afternoon on the way home from grocery shopping, the roadside benches still wet with rain from an abrupt noon downpour. Admittedly, the cuisine is not truly Italian, but the pumpkin risotto that I had was quite delectable. The restaurant had undergone a renovation and it no longer looks like this, but looking back at these photos, I do miss its high ceilings and rustic decor, and the days where I can sit by the window watching rain fall off the café awnings.

    住在西門町的時候,最喜歡一個人閒晃著尋找著下一家美麗又美味的餐廳。這家 "Macchiato 瑪琪朵義式廚房" 就是在一個買完菜的週六下午找到的,那天午間下起驟雨,路旁的凳子還是溼答答的。 雖然這家的菜單也不算是道地的義式餐點,但是它的南瓜野菇燉飯味道還是很不錯的 >///<  這家餐廳其實內部已經重新裝潢了,不過翻看過去的照片,我還是懷念著之前挑高的設計和鄉村風的擺設,還有那坐在窗邊看著屋簷滴雨的慵懶日子。

Bises! ♥♥

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