Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sweet Lullaby

Baby, sing me to sleep
Drunken melodies when you say that you love me
-- Julia Nunes "Lullaby"
    This past month I've been eyeing the Pazzo website like some sort of predator ready to pounce in delicious anticipation of its annual markdown fest. The total haul is a bit daunting, in numbers at least, but I'll just start with this oh-so-innocent maxi/pyjamas (?) piece. It's a bit on the sheer side, but I'll forgive it for being the unabashedly ingénue staple that it is.
    上個月開始我就一直對Pazzo虎視眈眈了,五折一下立馬手刀衝了n件。 這件冷門商品意外的榮登我最滿意的戰利品之一,雖然它的缺點還真不是一般的多 orz  這件拼接雪紡的部分質感還不錯,只是即使是雙層還是會透。再者就是沒有腰身,頗孕 ... 但是高腰的設計,柔和的配色跟走起來很飄逸的下襬,整個把我收買了啊  >///<  因為女孩感破表,請原諒我一把年紀了今天的穿搭還硬要走幼齒路線  XDD

Dress :  Pazzo
Shoes :  Martina Pink
Bises ♥


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