Thursday, September 26, 2013

Golden Cage

You knew what you wanted and you fought so hard
Just to find yourself sitting in a golden cage.
-- Whitest Boy Alive "Golden Cage"
    This embroidered top from Pazzo is a true dreamy piece, complete with breezy bell sleeves and lovely floral appliqués -- but, in truth, it's probably more baggy than dreamy when worn by your average hobbit (that's me). Nevertheless, I'm still in love with it for all the feminine details and the airy feel it evokes, the hopeless romantic that I am.

    這件來自 Pazzo 的 『清透古典繡花網紗袖上衣』(名字也太長  =.=)真是讓人又愛又恨的單品啊~ T_T  一方面,它的實品的確很夢幻,做工也算細緻,對得起五折入手的價錢  XDD只是穿在哈比的身上真是有點為難,袖子太長所以沒辦法拉成露肩 orz  穿起來很飄逸,可是也有點孕,不過儘管如此還是開心的穿它上街,對它有愛所以什麼都可以原諒  XD

Top :  Pazzo
Skirt :  Lavine Jeans
Clutch :  H&M

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Glitter and Gold

 All that glitter and all them gold
Won't buy you happy when you've been bought and sold

 -- Rebecca Ferguson "Glitter and Gold" 
    I must have mentioned it a thousand times, but I just looove the combination of green and gold. And no, I don't have an underlying obsession for leprechauns or the Green Bay Packers, thank you very much. I got this LagunaMoon embroidered romper during Runway Channel's annual sale last month, and seriously it just screams "Music Festival!" to me with all those glitters and patterns and the unmistakable boho vibe. Coachella, anyone?
    雖然已經提過很多次,但是我真的好愛好愛好愛『綠x金』的配色!這一次日本折扣季在Runway Channel入手了超夢幻的藍綠色刺繡連身褲,配上金色小物完全可以去夏日音樂祭狂歡啊啊啊!其實搭個淺褐色的流蘇包應該會更有波西米亞的 vibe,巴特!我就是想要金光閃閃啦(扭)~~XDDD 
Romper :  LagunaMoon (via Runway Channel)
Shoes : Anne's
Clutch :  borrowed from Mum
Ring :  House of Harlow 1960

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Man Who Stole a Leopard

I thought that I could resist
But the leopard in you... silently... preyed on me.
-- Duran Duran "The Man Who Stole a Leopard"
    Those of you who followed my old blog on might remember a post about my leopard print playsuit from H&M. The said playsuit is now MIA after one strap snapped during a struggle to get it out of my, erm, somewhat messy luggage. Luckily, I managed to procure an identical one on ebay because, you know, no summer or autumn is complete without an animal print something  :)
    之前有在 follow 我無名的姊妹們可能會記得,我之前寫過一篇 H&M 豹紋連身褲的夏日穿搭。很不幸的,那件連身褲某天被天生神力 (?) 的我從行李箱中一扯,吊帶生生給它斷了一條 T_T  還好後來在 ebay 找回一模一樣的,不然沒有豹紋的夏/秋,真是少了很多樂趣啊~~!!
Top :  Ashley
Bag :  Aigner
Bootees :
Top :  Ashley
Bag :  NET
Capelet :  from Dolube
Bag :  Jeanasis
Bootees :
Vest :  Lowrys Farm
Bag :
Blazer :  YFS Ladies
Jacket :
Bootees :
Top :  Pazzo
Bootees :
Top :  Pazzo
Bag :
Necklace :  Mazzard
Skirt :  beckybwardrobe
Hair bow :  Mazzard
    That's that then! I think you can really feel my love for this piece because it can translate into so many different styles, regardless of season. No question about its versatility, just a tad flimsy for the cold days :)  I'm ending this with an obligatory shoe shot, bonne nuit!
    就醬啦!我想大家應該可以感覺出我對這件豹紋單品滿滿的愛 >///<  它真的太百搭了,各種風格都 ok 喔,季節也不成問題!只不過布料單薄,大概天冷單穿會凍僵吧 =.=  好啦,最後用這次穿搭用的鞋跟大家說晚安啦~!:)
Oh, and I'm on Instagram now!
( but real lazy with it  LOL)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sweet Lullaby

Baby, sing me to sleep
Drunken melodies when you say that you love me
-- Julia Nunes "Lullaby"
    This past month I've been eyeing the Pazzo website like some sort of predator ready to pounce in delicious anticipation of its annual markdown fest. The total haul is a bit daunting, in numbers at least, but I'll just start with this oh-so-innocent maxi/pyjamas (?) piece. It's a bit on the sheer side, but I'll forgive it for being the unabashedly ingénue staple that it is.
    上個月開始我就一直對Pazzo虎視眈眈了,五折一下立馬手刀衝了n件。 這件冷門商品意外的榮登我最滿意的戰利品之一,雖然它的缺點還真不是一般的多 orz  這件拼接雪紡的部分質感還不錯,只是即使是雙層還是會透。再者就是沒有腰身,頗孕 ... 但是高腰的設計,柔和的配色跟走起來很飄逸的下襬,整個把我收買了啊  >///<  因為女孩感破表,請原諒我一把年紀了今天的穿搭還硬要走幼齒路線  XDD

Dress :  Pazzo
Shoes :  Martina Pink
Bises ♥
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