Sunday, June 4, 2017

Dress My Eyes

    Alright, I need to 'fess up, this article was meant to be posted on Mother's Day, but owing to a really agonising bout of flu prior to that and the subsequent malaise (and just general laziness I admit), it has been put off again and again until today : P  Sometime ago I rediscovered this purple and red floral number while cleaning out my closet, and fact is, this had been my mother's favourite dress when she was young. She couldn't really fit into this anymore, and a few years ago I felt like this retro silhouette was actually making a comeback, so needless to say the dress eventually (and by not unquestionable means) made its way into my closet. Yet the sloth that I was, I kept forgetting to take it out for alterations, so it had lain untouched in the dark depths of my closet all these years. Rediscovering this handed-down dress around the time for Mother's Day made me want to do a dress-inspired makeup, don the frock and simply relive the retro romantic that was my mum's heyday.    

    好吧~我先認了這篇本來是想母親節po的,但因為期間重感冒後整個人都懶起來就硬是拖到今天才發 orz   前陣子收拾衣櫥的時候挖出了下面這條紫紫紅紅的花卉洋裝。這其實是我媽年輕時穿的洋裝,現在穿不下了就擱在老家衣櫥多年。前幾年我覺得這個復古的版型好像又流行回來了就這樣順手牽羊 "借" 走了,但是因為一直忘了拿去修改所以沒穿過。這次快母親節時重新挖到就想說畫個以洋裝色系為靈感的眼妝再穿上它,嘗試重現老媽的風華年代(自己講 XDD

   A major reason I "borrowed" this dress from Mum is that gorgeous floral print, a watercolour-like rendition of purple and dark pink blossoms. I put those same colours on my eyes this time, and while the end results may have felt a little heavy, I personally thought they worked well with the dress ; )

    會A走老媽的洋裝的一大原因是因為覺得布料上的花卉圖樣跟色系很好看,是有點水彩畫風格的紫色跟深粉紅花朵。這次眼妝也是照搬這些色系,雖然完妝感覺有點濃艷但我覺得還滿適合這件洋裝的啦 XDDD

1.    Use a pink white eyeshadow as a base and sweep generously across entire lid.
2.    Starting from the outer corner of the eye, apply A over outer 1/3 of eyelid (2).
3.    Blend out the upper edge with a small blending brush.
4.    Apply B on the middle 1/3 of eyelid (3).
5.    Blend out the upper edge and blend between the 2 colours.
6.    Continue onto the inner 1/3 of eye with C, similarly blending around the edges (4).
7.    For the lower lid, line the outer half with A and blend out carefully (6).
8.    For the inner half, use the pink white eyeshadow to highlight the inner corner (5).
9.    Do a winged eyeliner on the upper lid and line the outer half of lower lid.
10.  Add mascara, et voila!

1.   用帶粉色調的白色眼影打底,刷在1的範圍。
2.   從眼尾開始,在2的範圍刷上A。
3.   用小的暈染刷暈開2的上緣。
4.   在3的範圍擦上B。
5.   同樣用暈染刷暈開3的上緣以及2跟3之間的交界。
6.   眼頭的範圍 (4) 疊上C,並且一樣暈開邊緣及兩色之間的交界。
7.   下眼皮用A在6的範圍畫上眼線並且稍微暈開。
8.   下眼頭用粉色調白眼影打亮5的範圍。
9.   上眼皮用顏色眼線膠畫上上揚眼線,下眼皮在外1/3處畫上黑色眼線。
10.  刷上睫毛膏就完成啦!!

    If you're observant enough you'll find that other than the purples and pinks, there's also an earthy green colour on the dress. As I was worried adding the green would actually make the eye makeup look dirty, I incorporated the colour on my nails instead! : D  That's all this time in regards to my mum's dress-inspired makeup, hope y'all like it. Feel free to comment below if you have any questions, though I'm afraid replies would be a bit tardy since I'm on call at the hospital today. 

    話說這件洋裝其實除了紫色跟粉色外還有綠色,因為怕眼妝加那種綠色會變髒所以綠色就用在指甲上啦哈哈 XD  以老媽的洋裝為靈感的妝就先到這邊啦,現在要趕去上晨間會議,大家如果有問題都可以問我唷(雖然因為今天要醫院值班可能比較晚才能回覆  >__< )。

As usual ending the post with a medley of recent Instagrams, for some reason I have a pink and blue theme going on lately! (@bonjourjasmineblog)

照例用近期IG (帳號 bonjourjasmineblog) 當結尾,最近不知不覺在走個粉與藍的路線 XD


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