You're getting ready for your next show,
Rat bones to earth tones, concrete to cobblestones.
-- Kid Dynamite "Breakin's A Memory"
Last I checked on Instagram earth-toned makeup seems to be all the rage right now, thanks in part to the ubiquitous Kardashian clan I guess. It's the power of social media I think, that posts after posts of Kylie lip kits and the likes had me curious and yearning for a brown-toned lipstick too. When I came across a brownish liquid lipstick at an Essence counter the other day, I couldn't resist picking one up and experimenting on a color scheme almost totally new to me.
最近社交媒體上土色系妝容真的好紅,大概跟無所不在的Kardashian一家很有關係吧 XDD 在網路上被一波又一波的Kylie Lip Kit跟類似唇膏的實擦試色不停生火,搞得我也好好奇好想試試土色系唇妝。於是某天經過一家藥妝店的Essence櫃發現了這支土土的液態口紅時因為超便宜就忍不住入手了,想說來嘗試一下不曾試過的眼下最夯的吃土妝 : P
To be honest I'm a tad unsure about the shade name, the tube came swathed in literally bundles of cellophane tape and while I was zealously removing them the sticker with the shade name on it came off with the tape. That said, I did a check online and I feel pretty confident this is 07 Nougat Kiss. It is a well-pigmented brownish nude with a tiny hint of red and has a shiny lipgloss-like finish. It's quite sticky though and has a sweet peanut candy-like fragrance which is a drawback to some I guess, but considering its next-to-nothing price it's absolutely worth a shot if you like brown-based nudes.
其實我有一點點不確定色號,因為買來的時候唇膏整條被店員用膠帶包得木乃伊似的,在我拔膠帶拔得抓狂的時候寫色號的貼紙也嘶一聲跟著膠帶一起被我拔掉了 XDD 不過網上查了一下大概有9成把握這支是07 Nougat Kiss。它是帶一點紅調的土色,雖然叫液態唇膏但是質地像唇蜜是偏水亮的妝感,但是遮蓋力又滿好的這點又像唇膏。這支其實有點黏,然後帶有點像花生糖(?)般的甜味可能有人不喜歡,不過看在它這麼便宜的份上如果想要嘗試吃土色這支完全值得一試啊 >///<
I did a basic earth-toned eye makeup with this Maybelline The Nudes eyeshadow palette to complement the lip colour. I bought this palette quite a while ago solely for the sleek packaging and the matte shades, but never really got to using it because frankly the colour payoff is mediocre at best. Still I had to finish off what I started so... (shrug). As the colour payoff is not too good and some shades are actually more sheer than the others, it takes a few more strokes than usual to achieve the desired intensity, but, oh well, I do like these practical shades well enough to live with the extra effort I guess ; )
為了襯托這個土色唇妝這次用了Maybelline The Nudes眼影盤畫了個很基本的大地色眼妝。這盤當初完全是被排得整整齊齊的一格格大地色給誘惑,為了看起來很俐落的外表跟裡面幾個霧面色而買的。但其實買一段時間了都沒怎麼用它,因為老實說這眼影顯色度真的非常一般 orz 不過買都買了怎樣還是得用掉啊 T_T ←所謂的自食其果(不要亂用成語 ...嗯,因為顯色度真的不太好而且有些色比其他的透很多,大概要比平時多疊擦幾次才能達到想要的飽和度,不過我想擦起來的效果還ok也夠實用,有空大概還是會努力刷它挽回票價吧 XDDD
1. Sweep A generously across entire lid.
2. Apply B on the area depicted above, i.e. the area within the crease.
3. Blend the edges of B with a blending brush.
4. Apply C over the outer 1/3 of upper lids and outer 1/4 of lower lids.
5. Similarly, blend out the edges with a blending brush.
6. Using a tapered brush, apply C along the lower lashline as eyeliner, leaving the inner 1/3 untouched.
7. Apply black eyeliner on the upper lid, winging it about 3mm beyong the outer corner.
8. Apply mascara and the look is done.
1. 不用客氣地在整個上眼皮刷上A。
2. 在圖中所示的區域(即眼摺以內的範圍)疊上B。
3. 用暈染刷把B的邊緣暈開。
4. 把C疊擦在上眼皮的外1/3跟下眼皮的外1/4。
5. 一樣用暈染刷暈開。
6. 以小扁刷在下眼線擦上C,內1/3的區域留白不畫眼線。
7. 上眼皮畫上粗黑眼線,並且在外眼角處延伸大約3mm。
8. 擦上睫毛膏,眼妝部分就完成了。
As for the lips, I applied the Essence Liquid Lipstick thickly over the lips with the applicator, but used a lip brush to get tidier edges. While I think the coverage is fairly good in that the earthy colour actually shows on the lips, it does appear deeper on my naturally dark lips than lip swatches done on paler lips that I saw online. Also, as you can see it does not conceal lines and has a glossy finish, but in some of my photos below it looks more matte because halfway through the photoshoot I applied some loose powder on the lips to mattify it. I like it both ways, I think : )
至於唇妝部分,我用Essence液態唇膏上附的海棉棒厚塗了一層,但是邊緣處還是需要借助唇刷才能刷得比較乾淨整齊。雖然我覺得這支遮蓋力不錯,土色在嘴上都有好好的顯現出來,但是跟網路上我看到的淡唇色的試色比起來,到底在我深唇色人身上塗起來還是會比較暗一丟丟。然後大概可以看出來不遮唇紋,而且是水亮妝感,下面全妝照中有些看起來像霧面是因為拍一半時我試著上了點蜜粉讓它霧面化,我覺得兩種妝感我都還蠻喜歡的 : )
As this is an earth-toned theme, I intend to stick to the colour scheme all the way up to my attire and nails and hair. This look is a tad darker and more sophisticated than what I usually attempt, and I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. I hope you like it too, do try out such neutral brown looks during this season ... it's all the rage after all ; )
因為是吃土系女孩,所以從衣服到髮飾到指甲都要土色 XDD 這個妝容比起我平時嘗試的妝暗一些也成熟一些,不過畫出來的效果我還是滿意的。希望你們也會喜歡啦,這個秋冬不妨也來嘗試看看,一起當一當最夯的吃土系女孩吧! ; )
As usual, I'm ending the post with a medley of Instagram pics ( @bonjourjasmineblog ), this time a mix of recent ones and ones with earth tones ; )
照例來個Instagram照片的拼圖當結尾(帳號 @bonjourjasmineblog),這次除了近期的ins還有加一點土色系照片應題 :PP
Bises! ♥♥