Your soul, a bohemian river,
You flow and a fragile connection is born.
-- Fans of Jimmy Century "Delicate Fever"
I think I'm growing increasingly inept at writing these makeup posts. I finished uploading the photos ages ago, but churning out actual words had me stumped. Anyway, summer always had me in a fitful yearning-for-boho mode -- fringes, headband, ethnic embroidery and an abundance of eye-catching teals, blues and greens. I laid my hands on an electric blue eyeliner pencil last month, and it would be a waste not to do a Bohemian Girl look inspired by one of Pony's makeup tutorials.
最近發現自己寫妝文越來越詞窮。老早上傳了照片,可是到了真的要寫的時候卻停滯不前(T_T) 是說夏天一到我就會時不時犯上想走波希米亞風的病 XDD -- 流蘇啦、髮帶啦、民族風刺繡啦 ... 以及一抹不可缺少的搶眼的藍綠色。上個月入手了一支靛藍色的眼線筆,所以想物盡其用來用它畫個以Pony其中一篇教學文為靈感的波希米亞女孩妝。
I used the shades Scheherazade's Tale (A), Aladdin's Lamp (B) and Genie (C) in the Sleek Arabian Nights palette. In the swatches above, the colours are A, C and blue eyeliner from left, but the eyeshadows do not translate well on paper unfortunately.
眼影部分我用了Sleek Arabian Nights眼影盤中的 Scheherazade's Tale (A)﹑Aladdin's Lamp (B) 跟 Genie (C)。在圖二的試色中,左起為A﹑C以及藍色眼線筆,不過粉狀眼影用在紙上都不太顯色(泣)。
1. Apply A generously over entire eyelid (but not up to the brow areas), taking care to layer repeatedly over the outer 1/3 of the eyelids until a slight gradient effect is achieved.
1. 將A大範圍刷在眼窩處(但是注意不要刷到眉骨部分),在眼尾1/3處重複疊擦直到有點漸層效果。
2. Apply B over outer 1/3 of the eyelids, blend with a blending brush. Then layer C over B, extending C outward to elongate eyes and blend similarly.
2. 在眼尾1/3處疊擦上B,用暈染刷將B與A的色塊暈開。接著在B的範圍疊上C,把C的範圍往外延伸以製造拉長眼睛的效果,一樣在色塊間用刷子暈開。
3. Line the eyes with blue eyeliner starting at around the outer 1/3 of upper eyelid with the width kept within the creases. Take care to extend outward around 7mm and wing it at the end.
3. 大約在眼尾1/3處開始用藍色眼線筆畫眼線,大約雙眼皮摺的寬度就可以了。後面記得往外延伸約7mm的長度,以上揚的貓眼線做收尾。
4. Similarly, line the inner 1/3 of the eyes with blue eyeliner with the width kept within the creases as well. Apply A over the middle 1/3 of the eyes. Then apply C over the outer 1/3 of lower lids and slightly blend out to create the effect of shadows. Lastly frame the eyes with black eyeliner and the entire look is done.
4. 在眼頭1/3處畫上藍眼線,一樣是雙眼皮摺以內的寬度。之後在中間的部分刷上A。下眼皮部分則是在打亮臥蠶後在眼尾1/3用C暈開打造陰影感。最後畫上黑色全框式眼線就完成了。
I'll admit that it would've been better if the lip colour weren't so vibrant in the first place so as to keep the point of focus on the eyes. While doing this look I decided to try out a new lipstick and had not the least idea the shade would turn out so loud on my lips. And indulge me my affinity for blues and golds and greens at the moment, my forays into bohemian style somehow always end up in a plethora of these hues ; )
說真的我覺得如果這次唇色用得淡一點會更好,比較能把妝容的重點放在眼妝上。不過在用這個妝時我想說難得好好化妝不如來試試最近剛買的新唇膏,結果沒想到那色在我的唇上這麼鮮豔 T_T。。然後雖然那一堆又藍又綠又金的小物似乎太過了點,就原諒我吧~每次波希米亞病發作都忍不住想要狂加入這些色彩的我已經沒救了 ; )
As usual, I'm ending the post with a medley of Instagram pics ( @bonjourjasmineblog ), a sun-drenched summer is the way to go!
照例來個Instagram照片(帳號 @bonjourjasmineblog)的拼圖當結尾,夏天就是要滿滿陽光照耀啊~♥
Bises! ♥♥