Sunday, July 3, 2016

Stripes for All Seasons

I got stripes - stripes around my shoulders,
And them chains, them chains they're about to drag me down.

-- Johnny Cash "I Got Stripes"

    I've always have an obsession with stripes -- wide stripes, narrow stripes, colourful stripes, pastel stripes ... you name it, but for me, at the end of the day it's always the classic black and white stripes. I bought this Pazzo cotton stripe tee in early spring, assuming the semi-high collar and long sleeves makes it wearable at least three seasons a year. The blouse is of a thicker material, which predictably render it too warm for the weather now. Nevertheless I do love the character of the stripes, the colour, the space between and all, hence this acquisition despite a wardrobe full of striped items (definitely hyperbole regarding le wardrobe). 

    我一直都超愛條紋的 -- 不管是寬條紋、窄條紋﹑五顏六色的條紋還是粉彩色的條紋,不過到最後最得我心的還是經典的黑白條紋。這件Pazzo棉質小高領T是早春的時候入手的,當時想說小高領跟長袖的話大概一年有三季可以穿到吧 XDD  可是這件的材質略厚,現在的天氣穿大概會太熱。不過我很喜歡它的條紋,顏色深淺跟條紋間距(這很重要!)都是我的菜,於是無視滿櫃的條紋單品繼續敗下去(好啦好像其實也沒滿櫃子  : P 

    As I feel that this kind of striped item is versatile to a fault, I'm writing a Style Guide for it in the four seasons of the year. And to keep the colour palette organized, and so you can see how easily these stripes match different hues, I'm using mainly 4 colours in my coordinates this time, one for each season.


Top :  Pazzo
Skirt :  Pazzo
Shoes :  Dashley T
Clutch :  Vincci

Top :  Pazzo
Skirt :  Snidel
Outer :  it Girl
Shoes :  Grace Gift
Bag :  Lancaster Paris

Top :  Pazzo
Culottes :
Shoes :  Dashley T
Bag :  Martine Sitbon
Sunglasses :  Vincci

Top :  Pazzo
Skirt :  Alexandra Grecco
Shoes :  Grace Gift

Top :  Pazzo
Denim shorts :
Outer :  YFS
Shoes :

Top :  Pazzo
Denim playsuit :  Pazzo
Shoes :

Top :  Pazzo
Pants :  Two Do
Bootees :
Bag :  Lancaster Paris

Top :  Pazzo
Salopettes :  EMODA
Bootees :
Beret :  NET

Top :  Pazzo
Vest :  Lowrys Farm

Top :  Pazzo
Pants :  Pazzo
Coat :  Pazzo
Shoes :  Dashley T
Scarf :  31 sons de mode
Bag :  Coach

Top :  Pazzo
Shirt :
Culottes :  Pazzo
Shoes :  Summit
Clutch :

Top :  Pazzo
Skirt :  Lowrys Farm
Cardigan :  Jeanasis
Shoes :  Summit

 *  *  *

That's that, then!


Got these dark silvery loafers lately, at Grace Gift's annual clearance sale. Love 'em!

最近在Grace Gift年度換季特價的戰利品小鐵銀~喜歡

    As I did not take a lot of detail shots, I think I might as well end this with my medley of recent Instagrams! Well, maybe not that recent as I've been really slacking off  ; )

    因為太懶沒怎麼拍細節所以沒什麼照片好放(T_T)就 ... 乾脆照例來個近期IG的照片拼圖(... 其實也不太近期因為最近也荒廢長草啦IG  orz ))


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