Sunday, June 12, 2016

Touch of Grey

Oh well, a touch of grey kinda suits you anyway,
And that was all I had to say and it's alright.

-- Grateful Dead "Touch of Grey"


    I finally got to shooting and editing outfit photos after months of prolonged hibernation (hooray!) further complicated by the abundance of good Japanese dramas this season ... and just general laziness. Anyway, I bought this Pazzo grey knit dress earlier on in anticipation of spring and now it's been banished to the sidelines of my closet rotation far too soon as the weather now is simply too warm for this. This dress has a woollen-like material, is of a loose cut, and honestly looks a tad baggy on me, hobbit that I am, but with a belt it's reasonably chic and has got this sort of career woman sophistication to it, side-slit and all ; )   I'm going monochromatic in terms of accessories this time, but grey is such a versatile colour I can't wait for fall to come so I can pair it with coats and jackets and tights of all colours.

    終於從我超長的冬眠醒來拍穿搭了 XDD  沒辦法這季好看的日劇太多了看不完 ... 還有就是其實我懶  _(:3 」∠ )_   這件Pazzo灰色針織洋裝本來是買來春天穿的,然而還沒穿兩次天氣熱到這件已經被我發配到衣櫥冬衣限定的最暗角落去了(T_T) 這件材質略厚,有點像毛呢,然後剪裁屬於寬鬆型,我單穿會顯得太寬大所以只好用腰帶補救一下。這件單穿的話下擺會是直筒型的,不過用了腰帶的話就會有點窄裙的效果,側邊有開岔整個感覺有點成熟職業女性的味道 XDD。配件的話這次完全走灰階路線,不過灰色真的很百搭,等不及秋冬拿它來搭各種顏色的外套、大衣跟褲襪啦~。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。

Knit dress :
Shoes :  Grace Gift
Bag :  Lancaster Paris
Bracelet :  Cor-date


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