Friday, April 17, 2015

After The Rain

    A lot has happened to our family since my last post, we lost someone very dear to our hearts very unexpectedly. A few days ago, an Anthropologie parcel that I ordered weeks ago arrived, but the joy of receiving beautiful things was now lost in the midst of our fresh grief. But the shipment came with a watercolour postcard depicting the tranquil waters after a downpour. Perhaps we may never emerge from the storm unscathed, but I'll learn to look for the rainbow after the rain. R.I.P.
    最近家裡發生了很多事情,親密的家人在意想不到的時候離開了我們。幾天前收到了很早前訂的Anthropologie包裹,可是卻再也感受不到收貨的喜悅。包裹中附上了一張水彩明信片,是平靜的雨後景緻跟寫著"After the rain"的文字。也許失去的悲傷無法彌補,但我也要努力前進,期待雨過天晴後的彩虹。

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